jueves, 18 de junio de 2015

Thursday Health.mil News Round-Up: DHA pediatric expert to speak at breastfeeding summit; Navy Hospital Corps Birthday Message 2015; Olympic gold medalist: become a fitness role model for the ones you love

Thursday Health.mil News Round-Up: DHA pediatric expert to speak at breastfeeding summit; Navy Hospital Corps Birthday Message 2015; Olympic gold medalist: become a fitness role model for the ones you love


DHA pediatric expert

DHA pediatric expert to speak at breastfeeding summit

Whether or not to breastfeed is among the first choices a mother makes in the life of her child. Research shows breast milk can help protect against childhood illnesses and infections and could lessen the chance of developing Type 1 diabetes. Read More ...


Navy Hospital Corps Birthday Message 2015

On behalf of Navy Medicine, I extend my sincerest thanks and appreciation to the Navy Hospital Corps commemorating 117 years of faithful and committed service. Read More ...


Olympic gold medalist: become a fitness role model for the ones you love

Getting outside to make the most of the day is a great way to show I’m thankful for my good health. Join me and take advantage of this summer! Make time for outdoor activity with others in your life. And don’t forget to log your activity for The UltimateMe PALA+ Challenge! Read More ...

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