viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2014

CDC Learning Connection: What's New For December 2014

CDC Learning Connection banner

Spotlight on a New HIV/AIDS Awareness Campaign

Picture of woman with “We need to talk openly about HIV”
In honor of World AIDS Day, CDC Learning Connection features a new HIV/AIDS awareness campaign, We Can Stop HIV One Conversation at a Time. The campaign is a call to action for the general Hispanic/Latino community to talk about HIV/AIDS, increase HIV/AIDS awareness, and decrease HIV-associated stigma and shame. It highlights the importance of every conversation to reduce HIV in the Hispanic/Latino community. Campaign materials, including a dedicated campaign website, provide facts and practical tools and tips to help families and friends begin or continue conversations about HIV prevention, awareness testing, and treatment.

Web-Based PPE Training

Image of Ebola PPE guideline training
New web-based training demonstrates the procedures described in CDC guidance for donning and doffing (i.e., putting on and taking off) personal protective equipment (PPE) for all healthcare providers entering the room of a patient hospitalized with known or suspected Ebola virus disease (Ebola). These informational materials are intended to promote patient safety and increase healthcare provider safety. The training provides practical tools for healthcare providers preparing to manage or currently managing patients with Ebola in U.S. healthcare facilities. Get these web-based training tools, which are also available through CDC TRAIN.

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