Genomic Grade Index (GGI): Feasibility in Routine P... [PLoS One. 2013] - PubMed - NCBI
PLoS One. 2013 Aug 19;8(8):e66848. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0066848.
Genomic Grade Index (GGI): Feasibility in Routine Practice and Impact on Treatment Decisions in Early Breast Cancer.
Metzger-Filho O,
Catteau A,
Michiels S,
Buyse M,
Ignatiadis M,
Saini KS,
de Azambuja E,
Fasolo V,
Naji S,
Canon JL,
Delrée P,
Coibion M,
Cusumano P,
Jossa V,
Kains JP,
Larsimont D,
Richard V,
Faverly D,
Cornez N,
Vuylsteke P,
Vanderschueren B,
Peyro-Saint-Paul H,
Piccart M,
Sotiriou C.
Institut Jules Bordet, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium.Abstract
Genomic Grade Index (GGI) is a 97-gene signature that improves histologic grade (HG) classification in invasive breast carcinoma. In this prospective study we sought to evaluate the feasibility of performing GGI in routine clinical practice and its impact on treatment recommendations.
Patients with pT1pT2 or operable pT3, N0-3 invasive breast carcinoma were recruited from 8 centers in Belgium. Fresh surgical samples were sent at room temperature in the MapQuant Dx™ PathKit for centralized genomic analysis. Genomic profiles were determined using Affymetrix U133 Plus 2.0 and GGI calculated using the MapQuant Dx® protocol, which defines tumors as low or high Genomic Grade (GG-1 and GG-3 respectively).
180 pts were recruited and 155 were eligible. The MapQuant test was performed in 142 cases and GGI was obtained in 78% of cases (n=111). Reasons for failures were 15 samples with <30 15="" 1="" 30="" 54="" 69="" 87.5="" an="" and="" as="" available="" cells="" changes="" chemotherapy="" failed="" for="" gg-1="" gg-3="" ggi="" hg2="" hybridization="" in="" increased="" insufficient="" into="" inv.="" invasive="" mainly="" n="127)," occurred="" of="" or="" p="" quality="" rate="" reclassified="" recommendations="" representative="" rna="" sample="" subset.="" subset="" success="" the="" this="" treatment="" tumor="" tumors="" use="" was="" with="">CONCLUSION:
The use of GGI is feasible in routine clinical practice and impacts treatment decisions in early-stage breast cancer.
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