Hispanic/Latino Heritage Month: Know your Family History
CDC informatinon: Learn about the diverse demographic, and link to more information on the health and well-being of Hispanic/Latino Populations in the United States
My Family Health Protrait:
Diabetes brochure in Spanish: Family history and diabetes-Take steps towards better health!
Genomic health disparities, Type 2 diabetes and Mexican-Americans
Liliana Uribe-Bruce et al. Endoc Reviews (2012)
Hispanic/Latino Heritage Month
September 15th – October 15th, 2013
September 15th was chosen as the starting point for the celebration because it is the anniversary of independence of five Latin American countries: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. In addition, Mexico and Chile celebrate their independence days on September 16th and 18th, respectively.
In the 2010 Census, Hispanic or Latino is defined as "a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race."In data collection and presentation, federal agencies are required to use a minimum of two ethnicities: "Hispanic or Latino" and "Not Hispanic or Latino".
For more information see 2010 Census Brief
According to US Census Bureau’s population estimates as of July 1, 2012, there are roughly 53 million Hispanics living in the United States. The population size represents approximately 17% of the US total population, making people of Hispanic origin the nation's largest ethnic or racial minority.The projected US Hispanic population for July 1, 2060 is estimated to reach 128.8 million, approximately 31% of the US population in that year.
In 2011, Mexicans represented the largest subpopulation (65%) of Hispanic. Following Mexicans were Puerto Ricans (9.4%), Salvadorans (3.8%), Cubans (3.6%), Dominicans (3.0%), and Guatamalans (2.3%). The remaining populations (12.9%) were people of Central and South America or of other Hispanic or Latino origins.
In 2011, 22.5% of elementary and high school students were Hispanic, and only 14.5% of college students were Hispanic.
As of July 1, 2012, the state with the largest number of Hispanics (14.5 million) was California, and the state with the largest percentage of Hispanics (47%) was New Mexico.
The percentage of Hispanics who lacked health insurance in 2011 was 30.1%.
Examples of Important Health Disparities Experienced by Hispanics/Latinos
CDC Health Disparities & Inequalities Report
Examples of some of the important health disparities noted in the CHDIR:
- Among males aged <.20 years, the prevalence of obesity was largest among Mexican-Americans compared with non-Hispanic white or black children and teens. Among females >20 years, Mexican Americans had the second largest prevalence of obesity. The prevalence was second to the prevalence among non-Hispanic black females.
- In 2008, Hispanic adults were among adults who had the largest age-adjusted prevalence of diabetes. Prevalence was similar to that among Black and Asian adults and larger than the prevalence among white adults.
- In 2008, Hispanics experienced the second largest rate of HIV diagnoses compared with the white population. The Hispanic diagnoses rate was second to the African American rate.
- In 2008, the birth rate for Hispanic adolescents aged 15-19 years was nearly 5 times the rate for Asian/Pacific Islander adolescents, 3 times the rate for non-Hispanic white adolescents, and 1.2-1.3 times rates for non-Hispanic black and American Indian/Alaska Native adolescents.
During 2004-2007, the rate of preventable hospitalizations among Hispanics was in excess of the rate among non-Hispanic whites.
- Hispanics had larger uninsured rates in 2008 compared with non-Hispanic whites.
- Lower influenza vaccination coverage was observed among Hispanics compared with non-Hispanic whites during the 2009-10 influenza season.
- Similar to non-Hispanic blacks and American Indians/Alaska Natives in 2009, Hispanics had a larger percentage of householders living in inadequate housing compared with non-Hispanic whites.
- Compared with non-Hispanic whites, Hispanics were more likely to reside in counties that did not meet the standard for ozone.
- In 2009, Hispanic adults were most likely not to have completed high school compared with any other racial population and equally likely as non-Hispanic Blacks or American Indian/Alaska Natives to live below poverty
More Information
- CDC Feature: Hispanic/Latino Heritage
- CDC Feature: National Latino AIDS Awareness Day ~ October 15th
- Health Disparities in HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STDs, & TB: Hispanics/Latinos
- HIV Among Latinos
- CDC, United States-Mexico Public Health
- Health, United States, 2012 - Hispanic or Latino Population
- FastStats - Health of Hispanic or Latino Population
- Healthy People 2010 - Snapshot for the Hispanic Population
[PDF - 197KB]
- Sociodemographic Maps - Hispanics
- Health Disparities Experienced by Hispanics---US. MMWR 2004
- Chagas Disease
US Department of Health & Human Services (HHS)
Office of Minority Health (OMH)
- National Hispanic Heritage Month - Sept. 15 - Oct. 15
- Hispanic/Latino Profile
- Minority Women's Health - Latinas
Other Federal Government
- White House Presidential Proclamation - National Hispanic Heritage Month, 2013
- White House Presidential Proclamation - National Hispanic-Serving Institutions Week, 2013
- White House Executive Order 13555 Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics
[PDF - 210KB]
- US Census Bureau, Facts for Features: Hispanic Heritage Month 2013
- US Census Bureau, The Hispanic Population: 2010
[PDF - 1.52MB]
- MedlinePlus: Hispanic-American Health
- National Latino AIDS Awareness Day ~ October 15
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