Immunization Schedules for Preteens and Teens
in Easy-to-read Formats
The recommended immunization schedules list the age or age range when each vaccine or series of shots is recommended. If your preteen or teen (age 7 through 18 years old) has missed any shots, consult the catch-up scheduler AND check with the doctor about getting back on track. On this Page
Print a Schedule
Recommended Immunizations for Preteens and Teens (7-18 years)
- Recommended Immunizations
[627 KB, 2 pages]
Printer-friendly version of recommended immunizations. - See also Spanish version
Fill out before doctor visit to help determine which vaccines your child may be given.
Take a Quiz
Adolescent Quiz for those 11 years and older
Take this quiz to find out which vaccines you or your child may need.
Take this quiz to find out which vaccines you or your child may need.
Download This Tool to Determine Vaccines Needed
Interactive Adolescent Scheduler for those 7 through 18 years
Tool for determining the vaccines needed according to the Adolescent Immunization schedule.
Tool for determining the vaccines needed according to the Adolescent Immunization schedule.
Spanish Version (en español)
Recommended Immunizations for Preteens and Teens (7-18 years)
- Recommended Immunizations
[494 KB, 2 pages] (Vacunas recomendadas)
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