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Volume 18, Number 11–November 2012
Seroprevalence of Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 Virus Antibody, England, 2010 and 2011
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The intense influenza activity in England during the 2010–11 winter resulted from a combination of factors. Population-based seroepidemiology confirms that the third wave of influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus circulation was associated with a shift in age groups affected, with the highest rate of infection in young adults.The Study
Samples were from patients 0–99 years of age, of whom 53% were female. Samples were grouped according to collection date: pre–first wave (before April 2009 [1,403 samples]) and post–first wave (August–October 2009 [3,091 samples]); post–second wave (January–April 2010 [2,225 samples]); and pre–third wave (June–October 2010 [1,782 samples]) and post–third wave (February–April 2011 [1,257 samples]) (Figure 1). Availability of samples by region and patient age was not consistent. With the objective of measuring age-dependent incidence, we prioritized serum samples by patient age. Samples were spread across 7 age groups (<5 15="15" 25="25" 45="45" 5="5" 65="65" and="and" class="text-underline" span="span">>5>
We determined antibody persistence by comparing antibody levels in the post–second wave panel with those of the pre–third wave panel on a subset of samples from 3 regions (North East, North West, and South West) where samples were available for both time points. Results were assessed with 95% confidence intervals. The full analysis of the seroprevalence preceding the 2010–11 season is detailed elsewhere (1).
In samples from all persons except those in the youngest age group (<5 2009="2009" 2010="2010" 5="5" age="age" and="and" antibody="antibody" assays="assays" before="before" by="by" class="text-underline" decline="decline" declined="declined" end="end" from="from" hi="hi" in="in" largest="largest" limited="limited" microneutralization="microneutralization" of="of" onset="onset" persons="persons" post="post" pre="pre" reduction="reduction" season="season" second="second" span="span" the="the" third="third" this="this" to="to" was="was" wave="wave" winter="winter" with="with" years="years">>5>
75-year group (−15% and −20% by HI and microneutralization assays, respectively). In children <5 10="10" a="a" and="and" antibody="antibody" assays="assays" by="by" during="during" hi="hi" href="http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/18/11/12-0720-t1.htm" increased="increased" levels="levels" nicroneutralization="nicroneutralization" period="period" respectively="respectively" same="same" the="the" time="time" title="Table 1" years="years">Table 1, Table 2; Figure 2). We assessed changes in antibody levels during the 2010–11 season using data from all 5 available regions (East, North East, North West, South West, and Yorkshire and Humber) (Table 1, Table 2; Technical Appendix Table
Children in the 2 youngest groups (<14 years) had the highest titers overall and highest percentage of seropositive samples (Table 1, Table 2; Figure 2; Technical Appendix Table
The rates of decline in antibody to A(H1N1)pdm09 from the 2009–10 to the 2010–11 winters are similar to historic data (8) and A(H1N1)pdm09 vaccine trials (9,10). The implications of such reduction are uncertain. The seroprevalence data suggested susceptibility in young adults pre–third wave, but not in children who were targeted by an extended vaccination program in the United Kingdom from January 2010. Up to 30% of children <5 a="a" href="http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/18/11/12-0720_article.htm#r11" title="11" vaccinated="vaccinated" were="were" years="years">115>
Our study design—a retrospective, periodic, cross-sectional collection—has certain limitations. We analyzed similar but not identical groups and persons at different time points. For each sample, only limited information was available. Without information about vaccination status or influenza exposure history during the season, our interpretation of antibody levels and their changes has to be taken with caution. However, in this descriptive analysis we also used supportive evidence from UK influenza surveillance programs and take into account the date of vaccination timing and uptake, which strengthens our interpretation of the serologic data.
The collections for each sample set were distributed over time periods of up to 21 weeks, during which antibody levels would have changed, depending on the combined effects of seroconversion, antibody waning and availability of vaccination. A novel likelihood-based approach, described previously has therefore been developed to overcome some of the limitations of the conventional statistical method (1).
We found no evidence of substantial antigenic drift in circulating viruses that could affect seroepidemiology results (Technical Appendix Table
The change in age distribution of infection is likely to have caused increased severity, resulting from a larger number of patients with underlying concurrent conditions (12) or from age-dependent changes in pathology. Defining antibody correlates of protection becomes more complex with rising patient age as other immune mechanisms increasingly contribute to protection, e.g., CD4+ T cells, as demonstrated in human challenge experiments (14). Moreover, a murine model identified the role of age in susceptibility to pathogenesis and transmission of influenza virus infection (15). These observations might help to provide some mechanistic insights for the shift in age distribution of infection and severity in the season after the 2009 pandemic. Genetic drift in circulating virus over time affecting human airway adaptation and varying climatic conditions during different pandemic waves also should be investigated.
Dr Hoschler is Advanced Clinical Scientist at the Respiratory Virus Unit, Microbiology Services–Colindale, Health Protection Agency, UK. Her research is focused on influenza serology, including the investigation of natural and vaccine responses, influenza seroepidemiology and development of new diagnostic serologic assays.
We thank the Health Protection Agency Regional Microbiology Network and National Health Service laboratories that collect samples for the Health Protection Agency seroepidemiology program. We are grateful for the technical support provided by Janice Baldevarona, Surita Gangar, Paola Barbero, Dipa Lakhman, Ray Borrow, Kevin Potts, and Sam Tomes.
This study was funded by the National Institute for Health Research Health Technology Assessment Programme and the Department of Health.
This study was funded by the National Institute for Health Research Health Technology Assessment Programme and the Department of Health.
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Technical Appendix
Suggested citation for this article: Hoschler K, Thompson C, Andrews N, Galiano M, Pebody R, Ellis J, et al. Seroprevalence of influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus antibody, England, 2010 and 2011. Emerg Infect Dis [Internet]. 2012 Nov [date cited]. http://dx.doi.org/10.3201/eid1811.120720
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