Call for Abstracts—Sixth Annual National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing, and Media
August 7–9, 2012 | Atlanta, Georgia | Abstract Submission Deadline: March 27, 2012
The conference planning committee invites abstracts for both oral and poster presentations in addition to panel sessions focusing on the areas of health communication, social marketing, media, partnerships, public health policy communication, and other topic areas that relate to the multidisciplinary nature of this conference. A wide diversity of submissions is encouraged, addressing specific issues and approaches that range from research and evaluation, and theory/model development to practice/program-based foci.
Abstracts will be reviewed and considered for oral, poster, or panel presentations.
Learn More About the Conference | Submit an Abstract CDC - National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing, and Media
Abstract Submission is now open.
Conference Submissions
You are invited to submit abstracts and panel proposals for the 2012 National Conference on Health Communications, Marketing, and Media (NCHCMM). Submissions focusing on the areas of health communication, social marketing, media, partnerships, public health policy communication, and other topic areas that relate to the multi-disciplinary nature of this conference are sought.In 2012, the conference tracks remain the same as those in 2011: "To Explore Innovative Communication Tools and Technologies", "To Advance Science", "To Improve Practice", and "To Bridge Divides". Learn about the topics of primary interest for each of the conference tracks in the descriptions detailed below.
The Conference Planning Committee invites abstracts for single-presenter oral and poster presentations. Also, proposals for thematic panel sessions are invited. A broad spectrum of submissions is encouraged including works that address specific issues and approaches such as research and evaluation, theory/model development, and practice/program-based foci.
Deadline for abstract submissions is March 27, 2012.
Presentation types include the following:
Single-presenter Oral: Recommended presentation length is 15-20 minutes. Related abstracts will be combined to make a 90 minute session.
Single-presenter Poster: Poster sessions will be held at designated times during the conference to allow participants to view research findings and interact with authors.
Thematic Panel Proposal: Total length of session is 90 minutes and must include 3-4 individuals who collectively submit a proposal based on a common theme or topic. The proposal requires a Summary describing the importance of the panel theme and an abstract from each panel member.
Conference tracks:
To Advance Science
The purpose of this track is to share new concepts and knowledge that would influence theory-based and evidence-based practice of health communication and marketing. This track invites papers that present original research, findings from pilot studies, and results of comprehensive evaluations of health communication and marketing campaigns and programs. Works discussing emerging trends, new theories, theoretical refinements or theoretical applications, and new conceptual models that can contribute to the success of health communication and marketing programs are welcomed. Submission to this track should be based on rigorous analysis of data and/or extant literature.To Explore Innovative Communication Tools and Technologies
The purpose of this track is to share new ideas about the use of internet and new communication technologies (e.g., digital productions such as podcasts and video games, social media, SMS texting) in health communication and marketing programs. Abstracts in this track should focus on emerging trends in and the development and application of new communication tools and technologies in health communication and marketing programs. Presentations that are data-driven and that help participants understand and leverage innovations to improve health communication, marketing, and media programs are encouraged.To Improve Practice
The purpose of this track is to share insights into evidence-based programs that successfully translate knowledge into health communication and marketing practice. This track invites submissions that contribute to the better practice of health communication and marketing by presenting lessons learned, scalable model programs, or on improving the process by which health communication and marketing programs are managed. Presentations of model campaigns should focus on implementation details, contextual information for where the program was successful, and strong evidence for effectiveness. Abstracts on processes should focus on key elements such as program development, implementation, and evaluation.To Bridge Divides
The purpose of this track is to share health communication and marketing discoveries and strategies to enhance effectively reaching underserved populations and promote reduction of health disparities. This track invites submissions concerning research findings, best practices, and emerging trends that address health information dissemination to "hard-to-reach" and vulnerable populations, that identify and describe health disparities, and that provide examples of models and programs that promote health equity.Who Should Submit?
- Health Communication Faculty and Consultants
- Social Marketers
- Behavioral/Social Scientists
- Community-Based Organization Staff
- Federal, State and Local Public Health Practitioners
- Marketing and Communication Faculty
- Private Sector Health Marketing Consultants
- Public Health Communication and Health Promotion Faculty
- Health Promotion Specialists
- Non-profit Health Advocacy Organizations - Health Promotion NGOs
- Public Health Students
- Program Planners and Administrators
Submit a panel abstract
All presenting authors must register for the conference and are eligible for the early bird registration fee.
Review Criteria
Review Criteria
All abstracts will be peer-reviewed and notification to authors is expected to occur in mid April 2012.Submissions addressing one of the conference tracks will be evaluated on the following criteria:
- Significance of research, theoretical or practice question(s)
- Demonstration of proper methodology for research and evaluation abstracts; adequate backing by literature for theoretical abstracts; value to specified programs for practice abstracts based on originality, sufficient detail necessary for adoption and supporting evidence for effectiveness.
- Originality and contribution of presentation content to health communication and marketing knowledge
- Clarity of content
- CDC - Abstracts - National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing, and Media
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