Erratum: Vol. 61, Supplement, January 6, 2012
In the MMWR supplement, "Guidelines for Safe Work Practices in Human and Animal Diagnostic Laboratories: Recommendations of a CDC-convened, Biosafety Blue Ribbon Panel," on page 72, the sixth bullet of paragraph 11.4.1 should read, "Gloves should be worn when spiking or otherwise entering blood bags. The blood banks should have written procedures to decontaminate or discard blood or component containers visibly soiled with potentially infectious materials (i.e., wiping with an alcohol pad or swab) (Buchta C, Blacky A, Leitner GC, et al. Surface disinfection of packed red blood cells with 70% ethanol. Int J Surg 2006;4:118–21)." March 30, 2012 / 61(12);214
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