viernes, 31 de julio de 2009

CIENCIAS MÉDICAS NEWS: Directorio de Documentos editados en JULIO 2009


Desde su creación el 10 de enero de 2009, el BLOG ha recibido 41.700 consultas (31/07/2009 al mediodía de Argentina). Agradezco a todos los anónimos que buscan en estas páginas contenidos científicos fehacientes, lo cual se transfiere a la calidad de las fuentes que los proveen.
Agradezco a las FUENTES: Agencia Europea de Medicamentos, Food and Drug Administration-USA, National Institute of Health, USA; CDC, USA; AHRQ, USA; NGC, USA; Sociedad Internacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas, IntraMed, El HOSPITAL (USA), EL MÉDICO INTERACTIVO (España), (España), DIARIO MÉDICO (España), y a todas las instituciones del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, que nos aportan diariamente con información altamente calificada.
Este BLOG se nutre de información en red que se distribuye gratuitamente y no monetiza los contenidos por respeto a las necesidades de los profesionales del equipo de la salud. Por dicho motivo, tenemos la libertad de administrar la información que recibimos sin emitir opinión (salvo excepciones de ética y/o bioética explícitas) y sin calificar como así tampoco descalificar a las fuentes. En lo personal entiendo que la información científico-médica debe ser de acceso libre y gratuito, siempre. Cerasale. Julio 31, 2009.-

Ranking de consultas hasta el 31 de JULIO de 2009:

1. Argentina: 11.104 - 26,6 %
2. México: 5.978 - 14,3 %
3. España: 5.502 - 13,2 %
4. Venezuela: 3.169 - 7,6 %
5. Colombia: 2.437 - 5,8 %
6. Perú: 2.622 - 6,3 %
7. Chile: 1.895 - 4,5 %
8. Estados Unidos: 1.971 - 4,7 %
9. Bolivia: 945 - 2,3 %
10. Ecuador: 930 - 2,2 %
El resto: 5.189 - 12,4 %
Total: 41.742 - 100,0 %

Archivo del blog
• ▼ 2009 (1823)
o ▼ julio (386)
 1816. Peligros de la rápida puesta en marcha de la vacun...
 1815. OSELTAMIVIR: efectos secundarios (ISID / UK)
 1814. El nervio glosofaríngeo del paciente estaba compri...
 1813. FDA MedWatch - Coronary Dilatation Catheters
 1812. FDA MedWatch - Colchicine
 1810. Recrean la maquinaria replicadora de la gripe
 1809. FDA Warns Consumers Not to Use Body Building Produ...
 1808. IntraMed - Puntos de vista - Más reflexiones acerc...
 1807. IntraMed - Artículos - Diagnóstico diferencial de ...
 1806. Nace un bebé infectado de gripe A(H1N1)
 1805. Pregnancy.
 1804. Other agents.
 1803. Other forms of dietary interventions.
 1802. Complementary medicines in pre-dialysis patients.
 1801. Carbohydrates in predialysis patients.
 1800. Bone disease and growth in children.
 1799. Anaemia and growth in children.
 1798. Acidosis in pre-dialysis patients.
 1797. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® chronic neck pain.
 1796. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® follow-up of maligna...
 1795. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® nontraumatic knee pa...
 1794. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® stress/insufficiency...
 1793. Allergen immunotherapy: a practice parameter secon...
 1792. Allergy diagnostic testing: an updated practice pa...
 1791. Allergy diagnostic testing: an updated practice pa...
 1790. Guidelines for field triage of injured patients. R...
 1789. Guidance for Industry: Nucleic Acid Testing (NAT) ...
 1788. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID / CHILE: evolución pan...
 1786. VIRUS DEN-4 /ISID - primer registro en la Isla de ...
 1785. Serologic Evidence of WU and KI Polyomaviruses | C...
 1784. Toxin Production and Pertussis Resurgence | CDC EI...
 1783. BSE and Scrapie in Porcine-PrP Transgenic Mice | C...
 1782. C. gattii in Pacific Northwest, USA | CDC EID
 1781. Reemerging Rabies and Lack of Surveillance, China ...
 1780. Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever, the Netherlands | CDC E...
 1779. International Health Regulations and Influenza A |...
 1778. Vaccines: Recs/Schedules/Child Schedule main page
 1777. H1N1 - gripe porcina - OMS / Globalización viral
 1776. Vaccines: Recs/Schedules/Adult Schedule main page
 1775. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ESPAÑA: dos nuevos decesos
 1774. H1N1 - gripe porcina - CDC: estimaciones epidemiol...
 1773. FDA Approves Vaccine for 2009-2010 Seasonal Influe...
 1772. EPARs human use - Apidra//Insulin glulisine
 1771. EPARs human use - Effentora//fentanyl citrate
 1770. EPARs human use - Kuvan//sapropterin dihydrochlori...
 1769. FDA Authorizes Emergency Use of Another Test for 2...
 1768. EPARs human use - Crixivan//Indinavir
 1767. EPARs human use - Aldurazyme//Laronidase
 1766. EPARs human use - Isentress//raltegravir
 1765. Vaccines: IIS/Stds/CVX-Vaccines Administered
 1764. Vaccines: News/press-rel/main page
 1763. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID / USA: estados convuls...
 1762. Category: Guideline List
 1761. NGC - Compare - Comparison
 1760. NGC - Compare - Comparison
 1759. United Kingdom national guideline on the managemen...
 1758. United Kingdom national guideline on the managemen...
 1757. Critical care in pregnancy.
 1756. Human Medicines - Herbal Medicinal Products - HMPC...
 1755. AHRQ Effective Health Care Program - Research Revi...
 1754. H1N1 - gripe porcina - BRASIL / PERÚ: se elevan la...
 1753. Immune Globulin Intravenous (Human), 10 Percent Ca...
 1752. CDC H1N1 Flu | Interim Guidance for People who hav...
 1751. Vitamin D and Calcium: Systematic Review of Health...
 1750. Prevention and Control of Seasonal Influenza with ...
 1749. Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalenc...
 1748. Research Activities, July 2009, No. 347
 1747. Patients with diabetes and depression are less lik...
 1746. MOC-etomidato es una versión alterada de un anesté...
 1745. European Medicines Agency - Withdrawals of Applica...
 1744. Nurses’ contacts and potential for infectious dise...
 1743. Genomic Diversity of Oseltamivir-Resistant Influen...
 1742. Medication errors harm millions of Americans each ...
 1741. AHRQ Patient Safety Network
 1740. On-Time Pressure Ulcer Healing Project
 1738. Bubonic and Pneumonic Plague --- Uganda, 2006
 1737. Neurologic Complications Associated with Novel Inf...
 1736. Obesity Prevalence Among Low-Income, Preschool-Age...
 1735. QuickStats: Average Annual Rate of Health-Care Vis...
 1734. Recommended Community Strategies and Measurements ...
 1733. Updated Recommendations for Use of Haemophilus inf...
 1732. IntraMed - Artículos - Inflamación y enfermedades ...
 1731. NIAID Set to Launch Clinical Trials to Test 2009 H...
 1730. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID / ARGENTINA: secuencia...
 1729. H1N1 - gripe porcina - El virus que está en la Arg...
 1728. VIH - SIDA / ISID - transmisión oral
 1727. EPARs human use - BeneFIX//Recombinant coagulation...
 1726. EPARs human use - ReFacto AF//moroctocog alfa
 1725. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ARGENTINA: provincia de SAN...
 1724. IntraMed - Artículos - IntraMed en otro "Hospital ...
 1723. IntraMed - Puntos de Vista - Algo más sobre las en...
 1722. NCTR Research Highlights: MicroArray Quality Contr...
 1721. H1N1 - gripe porcina - PERÚ: 14 víctimas y 2800 in...
 1720. Píldoras de hierro no elevan el riesgo de malaria ...
 1719. OMS cambiaría guías para mujeres embarazadas con V...
 1718. EPARs human use - Avastin//Bevacizumab
 1717. European Medicines Agency - Human Medicines - Medi...
 1716. Caso referente: Una niña sin hemisferio derecho ve...
 1715. Tumor RENAL: un arsenal terapéutico y farmacológic...
 1714. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID / ESPAÑA: brote en uni...
 1713. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID / VENEZUELA: fallecimi...
 1712. CDC H1N1 Flu | H1N1 Flu and You
 1711. What’s New for Biologics: Vaccines, Blood & Biolog...
 1710. IntraMed - Artículos - Radioterapia (RIO) y quimio...
 1709. Medical, Statistical, and Clinical Pharmacology Re...
 1708. cetuximab (Erbitux) and panitumumab (Vectibix)
 1707. Estudio recomienda tratamiento temprano para el VI...
 1706. Tablet Splitting: A Risky Practice
 1705. EPARs human use - Temodal//Temozolomide
 1704. HEPATITIS C - informe del NQMC/AHRQ - USA
 1703. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID / COSTA RICA: decesos
 1702. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ARGENTINA: disparidades
 1701. NGC - Expert Resources - Expert Commentary
 1700. NGC - Compare - Comparison: ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOS...
 1699. Evidence-based practice guideline. Family prepared...
 1698. Screening for syphilis infection in pregnancy: U.S...
 1697. Diagnosis and management of adults with chronic ki...
 1696. Adults with systolic heart failure.
 1695. Acute pharyngitis in children.
 1694. Massachusetts Department of Mental Retardation hea...
 1693. EFNS guideline on diagnosis and management of limb...
 1692. Guidelines for topical photodynamic therapy: updat...
 1691. Guidelines for the management of basal cell carcin...
 1690. Guideline for the diagnosis and management of viti...
 1689. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® needle biopsy in the...
 1688. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® chronic hip pain.
 1687. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® chronic elbow pain.
 1686. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® acute hand and wrist...
 1685. AHRQ News and Numbers: Osteoporosis-Linked Fractur...
 1684. FDA Approves Vaccine for 2009-2010 Seasonal Influe...
 1683. EPARs human use - Arava//Leflunomide
 1682. EPARs human use - Fabrazyme//Protein C Agalsidase ...
 1681. H1N1 - gripe porcina - VENEZUELA: deceso
 1680. Plan B (0.75mg levonorgestrel) and Plan B One-Step...
 1679. Health Care: Medical Errors and Patient Safety Sub...
 1678. WHO | Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 briefing note 3 (revise...
 1677. CDC Newsroom Press Release July 16, 2009
 1676. National Survey Finds Six in Ten Americans Believe...
 1675. CDC H1N1 Flu | Novel10 Steps You Can Take: Actions...
 1674. Human Medicines - Herbal Medicinal Products - Adop...
 1673. EPARs human use - Yondelis//trabectedin
 1672. EPARs human use - Kivexa//Abacavir (as sulphate) a...
 1671. EPARs human use - Ziagen//abacavir sulfate
 1670. EPARs human use - Ariclaim//Duloxetine
 1669. EPARs human use - Cerezyme//Imiglucerase (recombin...
 1668. EPARs human use - Insulin Human Winthrop//insulin ...
 1667. EPARs human use - Renagel//Sevelamer
 1666. EPARs human use - Cervarix//hpv-16 and hpv-18 L1 p...
 1665. EPARs human use - Aptivus//Tipranavir
 1664. European Medicines Agency - Human Medicines - Medi...
 1663. New Manual Provides Guidance on Addressing Suicida...
 1662. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID / OMS: modificación de...
 1661. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID / COLOMBIA: decesos
 1660. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID / PERÚ: decesos
 1659. CDC - Public Affairs in Health Issue
 1658. PEDIATRIC: List of Determinations Including Writte...
 1657. Cytogam (Cytomegalovirus Immune Globulin Intraveno...
 1656. FDA - Recall: Prevnar Pneumococcal 7-valent Conjug...
 1655. IntraMed - Artículos - Desórdenes afectivos: Depre...
 1654. IntraMed - Artículos - Estudio del nódulo tiroideo...
 1653. MIASTENIA GRAVIS: pacientes ancianos
 1652. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID / ECUADOR: actualizaci...
 1650. Rotavirus: su propagación no es clima-dependiente
 1649. Intensive-Care Patients With Severe Novel Influenz...
 1648. Tularemia --- Missouri, 2000--2007
 1647. Differences in Prevalence of Obesity Among Black, ...
 1645. Japanese Encephalitis Among Three U.S. Travelers R...
 1644. Appendix - Sampling Error, Standards of Precision ...
 1643. Sexual and Reproductive Health of Persons Aged 10-...
 1642. Young You Corporation Issues a Voluntary Nationwid...
 1641. Teva Pharmaceuticals USA issues a voluntary user-l...
 1640. FDA Approves Opioid Pain Reliever with Required Ri...
 1639. FDA MedWatch - OMALIZUMAB
 1638. Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine: ACIP Provisional Re...
 1637. Cuidado intensivo del paciente grave por gripe del...
 1636. SUNITINIB en carcinoma renal metastásico
 1635. trabectedina: rechazada por la FDA
 1634. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ARGENTINA: aclaración
 1633. fixed-dose combination tablet containing abacavir ...
 1632. FDA MedWatch - Concentrated Acetaminophen Drops
 1631. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ARGENTINA: CONFUSIÓN
 1630. FDA MedWatch - Tadalalafil
 1629. FDA MedWatch - Drug Safety Labeling Changes
 1628. FDA MedWatch - immunosuppressant drugs
 1627. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID / OMS: escasez de vacu...
 1626. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID / ARGENTINA: informaci...
 1625. SOCIEDAD ARGENTINA de MEDICINA: Pandemia Gripe H1N...
 1624. AHRQ News and Numbers: One in Four Disabled Senior...
 1623. Hispanic Diabetes Disparities Learning Network in ...
 1622. Iron.
 1621. Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis: use of other t...
 1620. Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis: cytotoxic ther...
 1619. Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis: correction of ...
 1618. United Kingdom national guideline on the managemen...
 1617. United Kingdom national guideline on the managemen...
 1616. Management of abnormal cervical cytology and histo...
 1615. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID: hallazgo
 1614. IntraMed - Noticias médicas - ¿Ha visto usted caso...
 1613. Medtronic Paradigm Quick-Set Infusion Sets
 1612. WHO | Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 briefing note 2
 1611. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ARGENTINA / Tucumán: 10 fal...
 1610. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ARGENTINA: 13/09/2009 - 134...
 1609. European Medicines Agency - Human Medicines - CHMP...
 1608. La obesidad podría aumentar el riesgo de complicac...
 1607. 2009 CBER Foreign Regulators Seminar
 1606. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® pretreatment staging...
 1605. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® palpable abdominal m...
 1604. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® left lower quadrant ...
 1603. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® jaundice.
 1602. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® dysphagia.
 1601. EPARs human use - Sonata//zaleplon
 1600. PAROTIDITIS - ISID / EUROPA: crecimiento
 1599. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ARGENTINA: actualización 12...
 1598. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ARGENTINA: muertos oficiale...
 1597. IntraMed - Artículos - PNIE 17: Estrés agudo, dist...
 1596. Counseling and interventions to prevent tobacco us...
 1595. Center for Evidence-based Practice | Completed Gui...
 1594. Treatment of Pediatric Diaphyseal Femur Fractures ...
 1593. Heavy menstrual bleeding.
 1592. Improving outcomes for people with brain and other...
 1591. Pregnant women and novel influenza A (H1N1): consi...
 1590. Summary of recommendations for clinical preventive...
 1588. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID / COLOMBIA: decesos
 1587. H1N1 - gripe porcina - BOLIVIA: decesos
 1586. Vaccines: Vac-Gen/Shortages/main page
 1585. IntraMed - Artículos - ¡Resolución del caso! ¿Cuál...
 1584. IntraMed - Artículos - Lecciones aprendidas de la ...
 1583. IntraMed - Artículos - SARCOMAS ABDOMINALES
 1582. IntraMed - Artículos - Actualización de las recome...
 1581. Study provides new evidence linking antidepressant...
 1580. FDA MedWatch - Mallinckrodt Sodium Chromate Cr-51 ...
 1579. Intensive-Care Patients With Severe Novel Influenz...
 1578. CDC H1N1 Flu | CDC Health Alert Network (HAN) Info...
 1576. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID / URUGUAY: decesos
 1575. H1N1 - gripe porcina - EL CERDO COMO MEZCLADOR
 1574. NCTR Research Highlights
 1573. Isentress (raltegravir) - FDA
 1572. Clinic-Based Testing for Rectal and Pharyngeal Nei...
 1571. Imported Human Rabies --- California, 2008
 1570. Progress Toward Poliomyelitis Eradication --- Indi...
 1569. Vaccines: VFC/CDC Vaccine Price List
 1568. H3N2 + H1N1 = nueva cepa de influenza en Canadá
 1568. EPARs human use - Baraclude//Entecavir
 1567. EPARs human use - Orencia//abatacept
 1566. EPARs human use - Emtriva//Emtricitabine
 1565. EPARs human use - Enbrel//Etanercept
 1564. EPARs human use - CellCept//Mycophenolate mofetil
 1563. EPARs human use - Hepsera//Adefovir dipivoxil
 1562. EPARs human use - Kineret//anakinra
 1561. EPARs human use - Privigen//human normal immunoglo...
 1560. EPARs human use - GONAL-f//Recombinant human folli...
 1559. European Medicines Agency - Human Medicines - Medi...
 1558. European Medicines Agency - Human Medicines - Medi...
 1557. DÍA DE LA INDEPENDENCIA: 9 de Julio
 1556. CDC Recommendations for State and Local Planning f...
 1555. EPARs human use - Zostavax//shingles (herpes zoste...
 1554. EPARs human use - Aclasta//Zoledronic acid
 1553. EPARs human use - Tractotile//Atosiban acetate
 1552. EPARs human use - Aerinaze//desloratadine and pseu...
 1551. Viruses resistant to oseltamivir
 1550. CDC H1N1 Flu | Novel H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu) and Feed...
 1548. Cluster of Sylvatic Epidemic Typhus Cases Associat...
 1547. B. quintana in Lice from Homeless Persons | CDC EI...
 1546. Clinical Decision Support Systems: State of the Ar...
 1545. AHRQ Effective Health Care Program - Research Revi...
 1544. RFA-HS-10-008: AHRQ Developing Prospective Practic...
 1543. EPARs human use - Synflorix//pneumococcal polysacc...
 1542. EPARs human use - Avamys//fluticasone furoate
 1541. Substance abuse is linked to readmissions for mood...
 1540. Caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer's dementi...
 1539. Clinician interviews are the best method to determ...
 1538. Task Force Recommends Screening Adolescents for Cl...
 1537. Screening: Major Depressive Disorder in Children a...
 1536. Talk With Your Health Care Provider About Taking A...
 1535. EPARs human use - Insuman//Human Insulin
 1534. EPARs human use - Zerene//Zaleplon
 1533. Guides on Treatments for Osteoarthritis of the Kne...
 1532. FDA Takes Actions on Darvon, Other Pain Medication...
 1531. FDA Improves Egg Safety
 1530. AHRQ Innovations Exchange | Search Results: childr...
 1529. Propoxyphene Questions and Answers
 1528. H1N1 - gripe porcina - COLOMBIA: decesos
 1527. Novel Influenza A (H1N1) Virus Infections in Three...
 1526. CDC H1N1 Flu | Considerations Regarding Novel H1N1...
 1525. Trypanosoma brucei: hallazgo
 1524. Screening: Visual Impairment in the Elderly
 1523. Pemetrexed injection
 1522. What's New from the Office of Oncology Drug Produc...
 1521. MedSun: Newsletter #38, July 2009
 1520. What’s New for Biologics
 1519. EPARs human use - Protopic//Tacrolimus (as monohyd...
 1518. H1N1 - gripe porcina - URUGUAY: muertes
 1517. WHO | Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 - update 58
 1516. EPARs human use - Rivastigmine Teva//rivastigmine
 1515. EPARs human use - Janumet//sitagliptin phosphate ...
 1514. AHRQ Patient Safety Network
 1513. Guidelines for Laparoscopic Appendectomy | Society...
 1512. For Health Professionals, University of Michigan H...
 1511. NGC - Resources - Hospital Acquired Conditions
 1510. Screening and treatment for major depressive disor...
 1509. Guidelines on the diagnosis and management of acut...
 1508. ESC guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of ...
 1507. Recommendations for the diagnosis and management o...
 1506. Reflux nephropathy.
 1505. Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis: use of cyclosp...
 1504. Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis: treatment with...
 1503. Sedation and anesthesia in GI endoscopy.
 1502. Position statement on routine laboratory testing b...
 1501. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® suspected osteomyeli...
 1500. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® recurrent rectal can...
 1499. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® rectal cancer - meta...
 1498. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® chronic chest pain -...
 1497. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® assessment of gravid...
 1496. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® acute chest pain - s...
 1495. EPARs human use - Januvia//sitagliptin
 1494. EPARs human use - Efficib//sitagliptin / metformin...
 1493. EPARs human use - Velmetia//sitagliptin / metformi...
 1492. EPARs human use - Xelevia//sitagliptin
 1491. EPARs human use - TESAVEL//sitagliptin phosphate m...
 1490. H1N1 - gripe porcina - Visión global
 1489. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ARGENTINA: se suman muertes...
 1488. oncocerciasis
 1487. H1N1 - gripe porcina - Distinta virulencia respect...
 1486. OSELTAMIVIR: resistencia - primer caso en Japón (I...
 1485. Un digestor artificial ayuda a estudiar la biodisp...
 1484. homenaje
 1483. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ARGENTINA: opinión OPS
 1482. H1N1 - gripe porcina - REINO UNIDO: cuarta muerte
 1481. H1N1 . gripe porcina - OMS / señales de alerta en ...
 1480. OSELTAMIVIR: resistencia - primer caso en Hong Kon...
 1479. EPARs human use - Ventavis//Iloprost
 1478. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID / ARGENTINA: expansión...
 1477. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID / URUGUAY
 1476. EPARs human use - Tamiflu//Oseltamivir phosphate
 1475. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ARGENTINA: 100 mil infectad...
 1474. IntraMed - Artículos - Recomendaciones para el per...
 1473. IntraMed - Entrevistas - Influenza A (H1N1) en Méx...
 1472. IntraMed - Artículos - Enfermedad respiratoria gra...
 1471. IntraMed - Artículos - Guía práctica: Várices Esof...
 1470. IntraMed - Artículos - Infecciones por el nuevo vi...
 1469. Antioxidants up in smoke
 1468. Current Drug Shortages
 1467. Questions and Answers on Current Good Manufacturin...
 1466. WHO | Influenza A(H1N1): lessons learned and prepa...
 1465. Hepatitis A Vaccination Coverage Among Children Ag...
 1464. Chantix and Zyban to Get Boxed Warning on Serious ...
 1463. European Medicines Agency - Human Medicines - Medi...
 1462. European Medicines Agency - Refusals - Medicinal P...
 1461. European Medicines Agency - Withdrawal of Applicat...
 1460. European Medicines Agency - Human Medicines - Orph...
 1459. European Medicines Agency - EMEA monthly medicines...
 1458. European Medicines Agency - Withdrawals of Applica...
 1457. European Medicines Agency - Withdrawals of Marketi...
 1456. EPARs human use - Optison//Perflutren
 1455. EPARs human use - MicardisPlus//Telmisartan and h...
 1454. EPARs human use - Pritor//telmisartan
 1453. EPARs human use - Kinzalmono//telmisartan
 1452. Human Medicines - Herbal Medicinal Products - Call...
 1450. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID / ARGENTINA: número de...
 1449. HIV - ISID - República Dominicana: grupos de riesg...
 1448. NCIRD: State Health Program Contacts
 1447. What's New from the Office of Oncology Drug Produc...
 1446. Ferumoxytol (Feraheme) Injection
 1445. H1N1 - gripe porcina - GLOBAL: estatus
 1444. H1N1 - gripe porcina: BOLIVIA: estatus
 1443. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ARGENTINA: humanos infectan...
 1442. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ARGENTINA: estatus 01/07/20...
 1441. FDA MedWatch - insulin glargine
 1440. Drug Information Update - Varenicline and Bupropio...
 1439. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ARGENTINA: 43 fallecidos co...
 1438. Show #88, July 2009: Warning on Accidental Ingesti...
 1437. Show #88, July 2009: Avoiding Errors with Lamictal...
 1436. Show #88, July 2009: Avoiding Infant Burns from He...
 1435. Show #88, July 2009: Update on Precipitate Formati...
 1434. Show #88, July 2009: New Safety Information on Tar...
 1433. Show #88, July 2009: Warning on Testosterone Gel P...
 1432. Dynasty: Influenza Virus in 1918 and Today
 1431. El virus de la gripe de 1918 originó una dinastía ...
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