martes, 7 de julio de 2020

Preventing Hammertoes - Ivanhoe Broadcast News, Inc.

Preventing Hammertoes - Ivanhoe Broadcast News, Inc.


Seven million people in the U.S. have experienced a hammertoe. What can you do to prevent foot deformities like hammertoes?

With schools closed around the country since March, kids have been learning in virtual settings. But is this helping students stay on track?…

Vaping by teens has been linked to an increase in lung inflammation and blamed for as many as 60 deaths. Now COVID-19 has entered the equation. Find out ways parents can help..

Coronavirus has everyone on edge including your kids. But how kids respond to stress might not be the way you expect

For kids with learning and attention issues, online learning can be a struggle. Learn the impact and how you can help your youngster

Doctor's In-depth Interview of the week
Saving Lungs Saving Lives 
Kristen Highland, MD, Director of The Rheumatic Lung Disease Program
The Cleveland Clinic

Quote of the week:

“What the people want is very simple. They want an America as good as its promise.” 

— Congresswoman Barbara Jordan

If you know of an innovative medical treatment, send us the name of the treatment,  name of the doctor and city. We may be able to cover it in one of our series:


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