martes, 13 de agosto de 2019

New research suggests another possible mechanism for Alzheimer’s

New research suggests another possible mechanism for Alzheimer’s


New research suggests another possible mechanism for Alzheimer’s

Neurofibrillary plaques and tau protein are among the most widely known pathological entities characterizing Alzheimer’s disease (AD), but new research at the University of California, Riverside, has come up with another plausible explanation for this debilitating disorder.
AD affects 5.5 million adults in the US, with progressive impairment of memory, thinking and decision making. This ultimately ends in their requiring permanent and increasing care until the end of their lives. The reason for this affliction has been thought to lie in the aggregation of strange deposits composed of beta-amyloid protein which lies in clumps between brain cells. Another protein called tau forms twisted tangles that accumulate inside the cells.

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