sábado, 31 de agosto de 2019

Connecting the Dots’ Connections Selector Tool | Features | CDC

Connecting the Dots’ Connections Selector Tool | Features | CDC

Connecting the Dots’ Connections Selector Tool

Connections Selector Tool
Explore the relationships between multiple forms of violence with CDC’s Connections Selector Tool.
Did you know that bullying has shared risk factors with teen dating violence at the individual level of the social- ecological model (SEM)? The Connections Selector is a free, online tool that will help you discover connections between multiple types of violence and their shared risks and protective factors at each level of the social-ecological model (SEM).
You can explore with any of the three categories: 1) level of the SEM, 2) risk and protective factors, or 3) violence type. You can then view your results to get a clear picture of how these factors are all related. For example:
  • Social-Ecological Model (SEM)Select the Individual, Relationship, Community, or Society level to see the risk and protective factors at that level and the violence types associated with each.
  • Risk and Protective FactorsWithin any level of the SEM, click on a risk or protective factor to see the violence types associated with it.
  • Violence TypesClick on any violence type to explore the risk and protective factors associated with it at each level of the SEM. To deselect a violence type, simply click its button again.
Having a clear understanding of these connections can help you plan strategies to prevent multiple forms of violence at once and increase your impact on public health.
Check out this tool on VetoViolence today!

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