miércoles, 7 de agosto de 2019

New improved model for cancer wasting syndrome cachexia

New improved model for cancer wasting syndrome cachexia


New improved model for cancer wasting syndrome cachexia

new model of cancer-related cachexia promises to help scientists understand why patients with cancer show severe wasting, which in turn may drive the development of better therapies.
Cachexia refers to the excessive weight loss and the characteristic wasting due to loss of skeletal muscle, seen in at least half advanced cancers. It is often associated with systemic inflammation and anorexia. 70% of patients with pancreatic cancer show severe weight loss, but it is also seen in cancers of the lung, esophagus and colon. The reasons for this syndrome are poorly understood, leading to a paucity of options to treat it. In fact, supplementary nutrition fails to prevent or treat it.

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