viernes, 12 de julio de 2019

Medical News | Medical Articles: Could hormone therapy for prostate cancer increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease?

Medical News | Medical Articles

 July 12, 2019 
 Pharmacy / Pharmacology 
 The latest pharmacy / pharmacology news from News Medical 
 Could hormone therapy for prostate cancer increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease?Could hormone therapy for prostate cancer increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease?
Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have found that men who take hormone-blocking therapy for prostate cancer may be at an increased risk for developing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, compared with patients who do not receive the treatment.
   New drug provides hope for patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophyNew drug provides hope for patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a genetic, neuromuscular disease in which a patient lacks dystrophin, a structural protein present within muscle cells. This leads to inflammation and necrosis of muscles and gradual replacement of muscle tissue with fat and fibrous tissues resulting in muscle weakness.
   Can Probiotics Ever Be Harmful to Human Health?Can Probiotics Ever Be Harmful to Human Health?
Probiotics are living microorganisms, taken as oral supplements or topically, that are used for their purported health benefits. Some commonly used probiotic products include yogurts and other fermented foods, or pills containing selected microbes. The basis of probiotic use is the natural role played by human gut bacteria in promoting human health.
 Common cold virus strain could be a breakthrough in bladder cancer treatment
Common cold virus strain could be a breakthrough in bladder cancer treatmentScientists in the UK have found a new way to treat bladder cancer, using a strain of one of the viruses that cause the common cold. The virus is called Coxsackie virus CVA21, and it was found to be oncolytic, or tumor-destroying. This new research demonstrated virus-mediated destruction of the tumor in all treated patients, and in one of them, the tumor disappeared completely.
 Engineered stem cells offer new treatment for metastatic bone cancer
Engineered stem cells offer new treatment for metastatic bone cancerEngineered stem cells could help treat metastatic cancers in bone without killing normal surrounding bone. Many cancers originating in other parts of the body produce bone metastases. Breast cancer is notorious for forming tumor deposits in far-away bones in up to 70% of cases. These are difficult to treat and cause severe pain and disability in cancer patients. In the US alone, more than 350,.000 cancer patients die each year with bone metastases.
 Antibiotic combination effective against drug-resistant Pseudomonas
Antibiotic combination effective against drug-resistant PseudomonasTwo well known and used antibiotics when combined have been found to be more effective against a deadly bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a common cause of hospital-based infections. This new research was conducted by a team from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center and is published in the latest issue of the Journal of Infectious Diseases.

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