miércoles, 3 de julio de 2019

Is sugar in fruit bad for you?

Is sugar in fruit bad for you?

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Nutrition / Diet
What to know about shellfish allergies
Many people are allergic to shellfish. The symptoms can be mild or severe and may include wheezing, coughing, and confusion. Learn more about the symptoms of a shellfish allergy here.
What to know about sugar in fruit
Fruit contains natural sugar. Although natural sugar is good for health, it is important to remember that consuming fruit juices and canned fruit can increase overall sugar intake. Learn more about the sugar in fruit here.
What are the best ways to eat more protein?
Protein is an important part of anyone’s diet. A person can increase the amount of protein that they consume in various ways, including eating certain foods, trying supplements, and possibly by eating at specific times. Learn more here.
Fighting obesity with a single cup of coffee
A first-of-its-kind study finds that caffeine is an effective way to stimulate brown fat in cultured cells and humans, pointing to new obesity treatments.
What to know about not having a half-moon on the nails
People typically have a half-moon shape on their nails. This appearance may be less visible in the case of people with malnourishment, anemia, or vitiligo. Learn more about the half-moon on the nails here.
Cocoa shells may help prevent obesity-induced insulin resistance
A study of immune and fat cells from mice found that cocoa shell extract can reduce and prevent some of the cell dysfunctions that can result from obesity.
Could processed foods explain why autism is on the rise?
A first-of-its-kind study finds a molecular link between high levels of a food preservative compound and neuronal disruptions that may explain ASD.
What is the link between gluten and rheumatoid arthritis?
Some people find that eating gluten can trigger rheumatoid arthritis (RA) symptom flares. In this article, we discuss the link between gluten and RA, foods to eat and avoid, and when to see a doctor.
Nutrition: Even identical twins respond differently to food
The largest ongoing nutrition study reveals important differences in how people respond to food and why personalized diets are the future of nutrition.
Colon cancer: Could yogurt prevent precancerous growths?
A new study has found that men who eat yogurt regularly have a lower risk of abnormal growths in the bowel, or adenomas, which can precede colon cancer

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