martes, 13 de diciembre de 2016

Sinus headache or sign-us up for a migraine consultation - Harvard Health Blog - Harvard Health Publications

Sinus headache or sign-us up for a migraine consultation - Harvard Health Blog - Harvard Health Publications

Harvard Medical School

Harvard Health Blog

Sinus headache or sign-us up for a migraine consultation

UPDATED DECEMBER 04, 2016, 2:39 PM
Paul G. Mathew, MD, FAAN, FAHS, Contributor

Many people deny that they have migraines, believing sinus problems are the cause of their headaches. Some of the more tech-savvy people believe that they have both migraines and sinus headaches after consulting with “Dr. Google.” The reality of the situation is that 86% or more of people who suspect that they have sinus headaches in fact have migraines.

Get your copy of Headaches

Product Page - Headaches
Headaches inflict their misery in a variety of ways, from a dull, steady ache to a blinding, throbbing pain. Nearly everyone has them at least occasionally, but an unfortunate few experience near-constant head pain. This report offers in-depth information on the most common kinds of headaches and the treatment strategies that work best for each, including a number of self-help and alternative techniques.

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Product Page - Headaches


Featured content:

Headache basics
Self-help and alternative strategies to ease headache pain
Tension headache
Migraine headache
SPECIAL BONUS SECTION: Mitigating migraine pain: Past, present, and future
• ... and more!

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