Current Highlight from November 4, 2016
NCTR Science Advisory Board (SAB) Meeting
The annual NCTR SAB meeting was held November 1-2, 2016 in Little Rock, Arkansas. The Board heard presentations on the current research priorities and future goals from Dr. William Slikker, NCTR Director, and the six NCTR research divisions; including the Division of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics response to the SAB subcommittee site-visit report. Representatives from FDA’s Centers for Drug Evaluation and Research, Devices and Radiological Health, Biologics Evaluation and Research, Veterinary Medicine, and the Office of Regulatory Affairs gave presentations on their Center’s priorities and areas of current and potential future collaboration. The NCTR Science Advisory Board meets yearly to provide objective advice to the NCTR Director, researchers, and senior staff on 1) strengths of NCTR’s research program to build upon and 2) data gaps that need to be addressed to meet FDA regulatory-science needs.
The SAB meeting was followed by a two-day meeting of a subcommittee of SAB. The subcommittee was comprised of two members of the SAB and three subject matter experts who were tasked with conducting an in-depth review of the current research program and future plans of the Division of Systems Biology. The subcommittee will present its findings to the NCTR SAB at the next yearly meeting. Each NCTR research division undergoes periodic evaluation by these subject-matter experts.
For more information, please contact Donna Mendrick, Ph.D., Associate Director for Regulatory Activities, FDA/NCTR or Dr. William Slikker, Jr., Ph.D., Director, FDA/NCTR.
NCTR Research Highlights Archives
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Contact FDA
National Center for Toxicological Research
Food and Drug Administration
3900 NCTR Road
Jefferson, AR 72079
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