jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2016

Eyes on Diabetes this World Diabetes Day


World Diabetes Day this 14 November focuses on the importance of screening to ensure early diagnosis of diabetes and its complications. Half of people living with diabetes don’t know they have it and many people with diabetes are not adequately screened for complications.
November is diabetes awareness month. Be part of World Diabetes Day and show your support by taking part in our #Test2Prevent initiative by organizing or supporting screening activities for type 2 diabetes and/or diabetes complications during the month of November. Help us achieve 1 million individual screenings recorded on the World Diabetes Day website! 
Learn more, access campaign resources and share your activities through the links below.
Already organized an awareness activity? Share your event images with us!
Questions or comments on WDD 2016? Please send them to wdd@idf.org.
Download our toolkit, posters, infographics, visuals and banners for use in your awareness activities
See what activities  are taking place around the world for WDD 2016 and share your own event information
Learn your risk of type 2 diabetes and help us reach our target of 1 million individuals screened

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