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Immunization-related MMWRs | CDC
Immunization-related MMWRs | CDC
2016 News Reports By Month
July 2016
Albertson JP, Clegg WJ, Reid1 HD, Arbise BS, Pryde J, Vaid A, et al. Mumps Outbreak at a University and Recommendation for a Third Dose of Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine — Illinois, 2015–2016 MMWR. 2016;65(29);731-734.
The rationale for the recommendation of a third MMR dose included a consideration of seasonal trends and characteristics of the at-risk population...
Viens LJ, Henley SJ, Watson M, Markowitz LE, Thomas CC, et al. Human Papillomavirus–Associated Cancers — United States, 2008–2012MMWR. 2016;65(26);661–666.
CDC estimated that approximately 30,700 new cancers were attributable to HPV, including 19,200 among females and 11,600 among males...
June 2016
May 2016
McMahan DA, Pitcher ED, Waldron1 MR; Billman AS, Richards SM; Pontones PR, et al. Notes from the Field: Expanded Chemoprophylaxis Offered in Response to a Case of Meningococcal Meningitis in an Elementary School — Indiana, 2015. MMWR. 2016;65(20);522.
This public-private partnership resulted in a high level of compliance with public health recommendations and minimal disruption to families and the elementary school...
Biswas HH, Han GS, Wendorf K, Winter K, Zipprich J, Perti T, et al. Notes from the Field: Outbreak of Serogroup B Meningococcal Disease at a University — California, 2016. MMWR. 2016;65(20);520-521.
The response to this outbreak was rapid, with the first vaccination clinic conducted less than 48 hours after the second case was confirmed...
Morales M, Tangermann RH, Wassilak SGF. Progress Toward Polio Eradication — Worldwide, 2015–2016. MMWR. 2016;65(18);470-473.
This report summarizes global progress toward polio eradication during 2015–2016 and updates previous reports...
Mulders MN, Rota PA, Icenogle JP, Brown KE, Takeda M, Rey GJ, et al. Global Measles and Rubella Laboratory Network Support for Elimination Goals, 2010–2015. MMWR. 2016;65(17);438-442.
During the past year, the number of laboratories that participated in molecular proficiency testing increased from 22 to 90...
April 2016
Wiseman R, Weil LM, Lozano C, Johnson TJ, Jin S, Moorman AC, et al. Notes from the Field: Health Care–Associated Hepatitis A Outbreak — Texas, 2015 MMWR. 2016;65(16);425–6.
Although standard precautions are recommended for health care personnel working with diapered or incontinent patients without an infectious etiology for their symptoms, contact precautions are recommended when HAV or another infectious etiology is suspected or confirmed...
Briere EC. Food and Drug Administration Approval for Use of Hiberix as a 3-Dose Primary Haemophilus influenzae Type b (Hib) Vaccination Series MMWR. 2016;65(16);418–9.
As previously recommended, a single booster dose should be administered to children aged 15 months through 18 months; to facilitate timely booster vaccination, Hiberix can be administered as early as age 12 months, in accordance with Hib vaccination schedules for routine and catch-up immunization...
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Announcement: National Infant Immunization Week — April 16–23, 2016 MMWR. 2016;65(14);384.
National Infant Immunization Week (NIIW), April 16–23, 2016, will focus attention on the role of immunization in protecting infants from vaccine-preventable diseases...
March 2016
Petersen BW, Harms TJ, Reynolds MG, Harrison LH. Use of Vaccinia Virus Smallpox Vaccine in Laboratory and Health Care Personnel at Risk for Occupational Exposure to Orthopoxviruses — Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), 2015 MMWR. 2016;65(10);257–262.
These recommendations contain information on ACAM2000 and its use in laboratory and health care personnel at risk for occupational exposure to orthopoxviruses...
Khanal S, Sedai TR, Choudary GR, Giri JN, Bohara R, Pant R, et al. Progress Toward Measles Elimination — Nepal, 2007–2014 MMWR. 2016;65(8);206-210.
This report updates a previous report and summarizes progress toward measles elimination in Nepal during 2007–2014. During 2007–2014, estimated coverage with the first MCV dose (MCV1) increased from 81% to 88%...
February 2016
Su JR, Miller ER, Duffy J, Baer BM, Cano MV. Notes from the Field: Administration Error Involving a Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine — United States, March 1, 2010–September 22, 2015 MMWR. 2016;65(6);161-162.
A recipient who receives an improperly prepared dose of Menveo should receive a repeat dose of meningococcal conjugate vaccine prepared according to manufacturer instructions...
Russell K, Blanton L, Kniss K, Mustaquim D, Smith S, Cohen J, et al. Update: Influenza Activity — United States, October 4, 2015–February 6, 2016 MMWR. 2016;65(6);146-153.
This report summarizes U.S. influenza activity during October 4, 2015–February 6, 2016, and updates the previous summary...
Murphy TV, Denniston MM, Hill HA, McDonald M, Klevens MR, Elam-Evans LD, et al. Progress Toward Eliminating Hepatitis A Disease in the United States MMWR. Supplements 2016;65(1);29-41.
This report examines the temporal association of ACIP-recommended HepA vaccination and disparities in cases of HAV disease and on seroprevalence of HAV-related protection...
Morales M, Nnadi CD, Tangermann RH, Wassilak SGF. Notes from the Field: Circulating Vaccine-Derived Poliovirus Outbreaks — Five Countries, 2014-2015 MMWR. 2016;65(05);128-129.
The World Health Organization recently broadened the definition of cVDPVs to include any VDPV with genetic evidence of prolonged transmission and indicated that any single VDPV2 event should elicit a detailed outbreak investigation and local immunization response...
Williams WW, Lu P, O’Halloran A, Kim DK, Grohskopf LA, Pilishvili T, et al. Surveillance of Vaccination Coverage Among Adult Populations — United States, 2014 MMWR. Surveillance Summaries 2016;65(1);1-36.
This report represents the first comprehensive release of adult vaccination coverage data to include assessment of associations with expanded data on demographic characteristics of respondents including access to health care...
Kim DK, Bridges CB, Harriman KH, Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), ACIP Adult Immunization Work Group. Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices Recommended Immunization Schedule for Adults Aged 19 Years or Older — United States, 2016 MMWR. 2016;65(4);88-90.
This schedule provides a summary of ACIP recommendations for the use of vaccines routinely recommended for adults aged 19 years or older in two figures, footnotes for each vaccine, and a table that describes primary contraindications and precautions for commonly used vaccines for adults...
Robinson CL, Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), ACIP Child/Adolescent Immunization Work Group. Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices Recommended Immunization Schedules for Persons Aged 0 Through 18 Years — United States, 2016 MMWR. 2016;65(4);86-87.
In October 2015, ACIP approved the recommended immunization schedules for persons aged 0 through 18 years for 2016; the 2016 schedules include several changes from the 2015 immunization schedules...
January 2016
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