miércoles, 3 de febrero de 2016

Show Us How Much You Love Your Heart! #iLoveMyHeart

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Show us how much you love your heart!
In honor of American Heart Month this February, FDA's Office of Minority Health, along with Salud Today (@SaludToday) and the Association of Black Cardiologists (@ABCardio1) wants you to join our #ILoveMyHeart campaign.
Here is how to join the campaign:
  1. Write on a poster or dry erase board how you keep your heart healthy (like exercising, preparing healthy meals, or taking your medicine), or your reason for staying heart healthy (like your family).
  2. Take a picture of yourself holding the poster or dry erase board.
  3. Share the photo on Twitter. Include the #ILoveMyHeart hashtag and mention @FDAOMH.
Every Monday we will share the top three photos on FDA's Facebook page. 

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