sábado, 18 de octubre de 2014

Disaster Planning Handbook for Behavioral Health Treatment Programs

Disaster Planning Handbook for Behavioral Health Treatment Programs
Disaster Planning Handbook for Behavioral Health Treatment ProgramsSAMHSA's TAP 34 provides guidance and current best practices in disaster planning. Recommendations are included for protecting people's health, including their behavioral health.
Topics include:
  • Potential Effects of Pandemic Influenza
  • Procedures To Reduce Influenza Transmission
  • Vaccines
  • Antiviral Medications
  • Hygiene Policies
  • Staffing Policies
  • Staff Attitudes
  • Planning Assumptions for Pandemic Influenza
  • Drafting and Activating the Pandemic Plan.
Other chapters of TAP 34 address overall disaster planning; mitigation and other preparation steps; management of prescription medications; and completing, testing, activating, and deactivating the disaster plan.
It includes guidance on coordinating for preparedness and response with the state behavioral health agency and with other government entities, community organizations, and treatment programs within the state. Worksheets are included to help a treatment program's disaster planning team identify and document actions and arrangements.

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