martes, 17 de junio de 2014

Overview | Funded Programs and Activities | Violence Prevention | Injury Center | CDC

Overview | Funded Programs and Activities | Violence Prevention | Injury Center | CDC

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Funded Programs and Initiatives

Through its programs and initiatives, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) Division of Violence Prevention works with national organizations, state health agencies, and other key groups to develop, implement, and promote effective violence prevention and control practices.

Dating Matters®

Dating Matters® is a comprehensive teen dating violence prevention initiative based on the current evidence about what works in prevention. The initiative focuses on 11- to 14-year-olds in high-risk, urban communities. It includes preventive strategies for individuals, peers, families, schools, and neighborhoods.

Domestic Violence Prevention Enhancement and Leadership Through Alliances (DELTA)

The DELTA program seeks to reduce the incidence (i.e., number of new cases) of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) in funded communities. The program addresses the entire continuum of IPV from episodic violence to battering through a variety of activities.

Domestic Violence Prevention Enhancements and Leadership Through Alliances, Focusing on Outcomes for Communities United with States (DELTA FOCUS)

The DELTA FOCUS Program builds on DELTA’s history by providing focused funding to states and communities for intensive implementation and evaluation of IPV primary prevention strategies. In addition to addressing individual and relationship factors associated with IPV outcomes, grantees support work to change the environments and conditions in which people live, work and play. Each grantee supports one or two coordinated community response teams (CCRs) to implement strategies at the local level.

Essentials for Childhood

Essentials for Childhood supports state health departments with the implementation of sustainable, multi-sector efforts that promote safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments to prevent child maltreatment.

Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs)

The CDC Injury Center utilizes grants to assist other health-related and research organizations that contribute to CDC's mission of health promotion through health information dissemination, prevention, and research. The competitive process begins with the publication of the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA).

National Centers for Excellence on Youth Violence Prevention (YVPCs)

The National Centers for Excellence on Youth Violence Prevention connect academic and community resources to study and create lasting ways to prevent youth violence.

National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS)

NISVS assesses experiences of intimate partner violence (IPV), sexual violence (SV), and stalking among adult women and men in the United States. NISVS was developed in collaboration with the National Institutes of Justice (NIJ) and the Department of Defense (DoD).  These data will help inform public policies and prevention strategies at both the national and state levels and will help guide and evaluate progress toward reducing the substantial health, social, and economic burdens associated with IPV, SV, and stalking.

National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS)

NVDRS is critical to CDC’s efforts to prevent violence. The system assists funded states, researchers, and CDC in understanding the circumstances surrounding violent deaths. NVDRS is the only state-based surveillance (reporting) system that pools information about violent deaths from multiple data sources into a usable, anonymous database. NVDRS data is available from one central, free, online database.

Preventing Youth Violence with Training and Technical Assistance

Training and technical assistance, in a variety of formats (distance and face-to-face) and intensities based on community need, will be provided to select local public health departments in communities with high youth homicide rates. They will be supported to develop and implement comprehensive prevention plans and strategies.

Public Health Leadership (PHL) Initiative

The PHL Initiative supports public health agencies to make great strides in preventing child maltreatment. The purpose of the PHL Initiative is to assist and support state agencies as they work to better the lives of children and adults.

Rape Prevention and Education (RPE) Program

Sexual violence, including rape, is preventable. Recognizing this, Congress passed the Violence Against Women Act in 1994. This landmark legislation established the RPE program at the CDC. The goal of the RPE program is to strengthen sexual violence prevention efforts. It operates in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and six U.S. territories.

Striving to Reduce Youth Violence Everywhere (STRYVE)

STRYVE is an initiative led by the CDC to prevent youth violence before it starts. STRYVE helps communities take a public health approach to prevent youth violence to reduce the rates of youth violence on a national scale. STRYVE is currently funding four local health departments to plan and implement youth violence prevention strategies that are based on the best available evidence.

Violence Education Tools Online (VETOViolence)

VETOViolence has been developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to provide grantees and partners with access to training and tools that focus on the primary prevention of violence. The portal includes free training, program planning resources, and an on-line application for the creation of success stories.

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