National Vital Statistics ReportsHaving trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page. National Vital Statistics Reports from the National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The following report has been added recently: NVSR Vol. 62, No. 5 – Source of Payment for the Delivery: Births in a 33-state and District of Columbia Reporting Area, 2010This report presents new data from birth certificates on the principal source of payment for the delivery in 2010 for the following groups: private insurance, Medicaid, self-pay (uninsured), and other payment sources. These data are for the 33 states and District of Columbia that adopted the 2003 U.S. Standard Certificate of Live Birth by January 2010, representing 76% of all 2010 U.S. births. Trend data for the United States for 1990–2010 are also presented from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics, National Hospital Discharge Survey (NHDS), to provide a national comparison and historical context. Learn more >> |
National Vital Statistics Reports
Notice! This title replaces the Monthly Vital Statistics Report (MVSR) effective with Vol. 47, No. 1.
- Regular issues cover provisional birth, death, marriage, and divorce statistics.
- Four to six special reports are issued per year. Special reports cover final data on births for the previous year, and special topic analyses are issued from time to time.
Paper copies may be available at a Government Depository
or health sciences library near you. Highest numbers are most recent publications.
Citation as to source is appreciated, when quotations are used in publications.
Volume 62, No. 1 to Present
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Infant Mortality Statistics from the 2010 Period Linked Birth/Infant Death Data Set. NVSR Volume 62, Number 08. 53 pp. (PHS) 2014-1120.
[PDF - 524 KB]
Source of Payment for the Delivery: Births in a 33-state and District of Columbia Reporting Area, 2010. NVSR Volume 62, Number 05. 20 pp. (PHS) 2014-1120.
[PDF - 321 KB]
Newly Released Data From the Revised U.S. Birth Certificate, 2011. NVSR Volume 62, Number 04. 22 pp. (PHS) 2014-1120.
[PDF - 573 KB]
Births: Preliminary Data for 2012. NVSR Volume 62, Number 03. 33 pp. (PHS) 2013-1120.
[PDF - 296 KB]
Supplemental Tables
[PDF - 83 KB]
Supplemental Tables
Assessing the Quality of Medical and Health Data From the 2003 Birth Certificate Revision: Results From Two States. NVSR Volume 62, Number 02. 20 pp. (PHS) 2013-1120.
[PDF - 284 KB]
Births: Final Data for 2011. NVSR Volume 62, Number 01. 90 pp. (PHS) 2013-1120.
[PDF - 2.2 MB]
Supplemental Tables
[PDF - 189 KB]
Supplemental Tables
Volume 61, No. 1 to Present
Persons with disabilities who experience problems accessing PDF files should or call 301-458-4688.
United States Life Tables Eliminating Certain Causes of Death, 1999–2001. NVSR Volume 61, Number 09. 129 pp. (PHS) 2013-1120.
[PDF - 2.12 MB]
Infant Mortality Statistics from the 2009 Period Linked Birth/Infant Death Data Set. NVSR Volume 61, Number 08. 68 pp. (PHS) 2013-1120.
[PDF - 527 KB]
Deaths: Leading Causes for 2009. NVSR Volume 61, Number 07. 96 pp. (PHS) 2013-1120.
[PDF - 2.5 MB]
Deaths: Preliminary Data for 2011. NVSR Volume 61, Number 06. 65 pp. (PHS) 2013-1120.
[PDF - 1.6 MB]
Births: Preliminary Data for 2011. NVSR Volume 61, Number 05. 20 pp. (PHS) 2013-1120.
[PDF - 337 KB]
Supplemental Tables
[PDF - 83 KB]
Supplemental Tables
Deaths: Final Data for 2010. NVSR Volume 61, Number 04. 118 pp. (PHS) 2013-1120.
[PDF - 3 MB]
Supplemental Tables
[PDF - 283 KB]
Supplemental Tables
United States Life Tables, 2008. NVSR Volume 61, Number 03. 63 pp. (PHS) 2012-1120.
[PDF - 1.2 MB]
Tables updated using revised intercensal populations.
[PDF - 522 KB]
Tables updated using revised intercensal populations.
No Publication. NVSR Volume 61, Number 02.
Births: Final Data for 2010. NVSR Volume 61, Number 01. 72 pp. (PHS) 2012-1120.
[PDF - 3.2 MB]
Supplemental Tables
[PDF - 283 KB]
Supplemental Tables
Volume 60, No. 1 to 9
Persons with disabilities who experience problems accessing PDF files should or call 301-458-4688.
U.S. Decennial Life Tables for 1999–2001: State Life Tables. NVSR Volume 60, Number 09. 68 pp. (PHS) 2012-1120.
[PDF - 1.1 MB]
Supplemental Tables
Supplemental Tables
Fetal and Perinatal Mortality, United States, 2006. NVSR Volume 60, Number 08. 23 pp. (PHS) 2012-1120.
[PDF - 433 KB]
Estimated Pregnancy Rates and Rates of Pregnancy Outcomes for the United States, 1990–2008. NVSR Volume 60, Number 07. 22 pp. (PHS) 2012-1120.
[PDF - 463 KB]
Deaths: Leading Causes for 2008. NVSR Volume 60, Number 06. 95 pp. (PHS) 2012-1120.
[PDF - 2.8 MB]
Infant Mortality Statistics from the 2008 Period Linked Birth/Infant Death Data Set. NVSR Volume 60, Number 05. 49 pp. (PHS) 2012-1120.
[PDF - 499 KB]
Deaths: Preliminary Data for 2010. NVSR Volume 60, Number 04. 69 pp. (PHS) 2012-1120.
[PDF - 725 KB]
Deaths: Final Data for 2009. NVSR Volume 60, Number 03. 117 pp. (PHS) 2012-1120.
[PDF - 3.1 MB]
Supplemental Tables
[PDF - 320 KB]
Supplemental Tables
Births: Preliminary Data for 2010. NVSR Volume 60, Number 02. 36 pp. (PHS) 2012-1120.
[PDF - 460 KB]
Supplemental Tables
[PDF - 266 KB]
Supplemental Tables
Births: Final Data for 2009. NVSR Volume 60, Number 01. 104 pp. (PHS) 2012-1120.
[PDF - 1.8 MB]
Supplemental Tables
[PDF - 322 KB]
Supplemental Tables
Volume 59, No. 1 to 10
Persons with disabilities who experience problems accessing PDF files should or call 301-458-4688.
Deaths: Final Data for 2008. NVSR Volume 59, Number 10. 155 pp. (PHS) 2011-1120.
[PDF - 3.2 MB]
Supplemental Tables
[PDF - 325 KB]
Supplemental Tables
United States Life Tables, 2007. NVSR Volume 59, Number 09. 61 pp. (PHS) 2011-1120.
[PDF - 1.4 MB]
Tables updated using revised intercensal populations.
[PDF - 522 KB]
Tables updated using revised intercensal populations.
Deaths: Leading Causes for 2007. NVSR Volume 59, Number 08. 96 pp. (PHS) 2011-1120.
[PDF - 3.6 MB]
Expanded Data From the New Birth Certificate, 2008. NVSR Volume 59, Number 07. 47 pp. (PHS) 2011-1120.
[PDF - 590 KB]
Supplemental Tables
[PDF - 40 KB]
Supplemental Tables
Infant Mortality Statistics from the 2007 Period Linked Birth/Infant Death Data Set. NVSR Volume 59, Number 06. 31 pp. (PHS) 2011-1120.
[PDF - 750 KB]
Epidural and Spinal Anesthesia Use During Labor: 27-state Reporting Area, 2008. NVSR Volume 59, Number 05. 14 pp. (PHS) 2011-1120.
[PDF - 199 KB]
Deaths: Preliminary Data for 2009. NVSR Volume 59, Number 04. 69 pp. (PHS) 2011-1120.
[PDF - 885 KB]
Supplemental Tables
[PDF - 100 KB]
Supplemental Tables
Births: Preliminary Data for 2009. NVSR Volume 59, Number 03. 19 pp. (PHS) 2011-1120.
[PDF - 307 KB]
Supplemental Tables
[PDF - 102 KB]
Supplemental Tables
Deaths: Preliminary Data for 2008. NVSR Volume 59, Number 02. 52 pp. (PHS) 2011-1120.
[PDF - 900 KB]
Supplemental Tables
[PDF - 202 KB]
Supplemental Tables
Births: Final Data for 2008. NVSR Volume 59, Number 01. 105 pp. (PHS) 2011-1120.
[PDF - 1.6 MB]
Supplemental Tables
[PDF - 323 KB]
Supplemental Tables
Volume 58, No. 1 to 25
Persons with disabilities who experience problems accessing PDF files should or call 301-458-4688.
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for 2009. NVSR Volume 58, Number 25. 6 pp. (PHS) 2010-1120.
[PDF - 159 KB]
Births: Final Data for 2007. NVSR Volume 58, Number 24. 86 pp. (PHS) 2010-1120.
[PDF - 1.9 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for November 2009. NVSR Volume 58, Number 23. 6 pp. (PHS) 2010-1120.
[PDF - 157 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for October 2009. NVSR Volume 58, Number 22. 6 pp. (PHS) 2010-1120.
[PDF - 156 KB]
United States Life Tables, 2006. NVSR Volume 58, Number 21. 40 pp. (PHS) 2010-1120.
[PDF - 967 KB]
Tables updated using revised intercensal populations.
[PDF -522 KB]
Tables updated using revised intercensal populations.
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for September 2009. NVSR Volume 58, Number 20. 6 pp. (PHS) 2010-1120.
[PDF - 156 KB]
Deaths: Final Data for 2007. NVSR Volume 58, Number 19. 73 pp. (PHS) 2010-1120.
[PDF - 555 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for August 2009. NVSR Volume 58, Number 18. 6 pp. (PHS) 2010-1120.
[PDF - 159 KB]
Infant Mortality Statistics From the 2006 Period Linked Birth/Infant Death Data Set. NVSR Volume 58, Number 17. 32 pp. (PHS) 2010-1120.
[PDF - 597 KB]
Births: Preliminary Data for 2008. NVSR Volume 58, Number 16. 18 pp. (PHS) 2010-1120.
[PDF - 3.3 MB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for July 2009. NVSR Volume 58, Number 15. 6 pp. (PHS) 2010-1120.
[PDF - 118 KB]
Deaths: Leading Causes for 2006. NVSR Volume 58, Number 14. 100 pp. (PHS) 2010-1120.
[PDF - 1.2 MB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for June 2009. NVSR Volume 58, Number 13. 6 pp. (PHS) 2010-1120.
[PDF - 96 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for May 2009. NVSR Volume 58, Number 12. 6 pp. (PHS) 2010-1120.
[PDF - 93 KB]
Trends and Characteristics of Home and Other Out-of-Hospital Births in the United States, 1990-2006. NVSR Volume 58, Number 11. 15 pp. (PHS) 2010-1120.
[PDF - 245 KB]
United States Life Tables, 2005. NVSR Volume 58, Number 10. 132 pp. (PHS) 2010-1120.
[PDF - 1.2 MB]
Tables updated using revised intercensal populations.
[PDF - 282 KB]
Tables updated using revised intercensal populations.
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for April 2009. NVSR Volume 58, Number 9. 6 pp. (PHS) 2010-1120.
[PDF - 95 KB]
Deaths: Leading Causes for 2005. NVSR Volume 58, Number 8. 98 pp. (PHS) 2010-1120.
[PDF - 1.2 MB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for March 2009. NVSR Volume 58, Number 7. 6 pp. (PHS) 2010-1120.
[PDF - 95 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for February 2009. NVSR Volume 58, Number 6. 6 pp. (PHS) 2010-1120.
[PDF - 94 KB]
Expanded Health Data From the New Birth Certificate, 2006. NVSR Volume 58, Number 5. 24 pp. (PHS) 2010-1120.
[PDF - 300 KB]
Estimated Pregnancy Rates for the United States, 1990-2005: An Update. NVSR Volume 58, Number 4. 15 pp. (PHS) 2010-1120.
[PDF - 1.1 MB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for January 2009. NVSR Volume 58, Number 3. 6 pp. (PHS) 2010-1120.
[PDF - 158 MB]
The Effect of Hurricane Katrina: Births in the U.S. Gulf Coast Region, Before and After the Storm. NVSR Volume 58, Number 2. 29 pp. (PHS) 2009-1120.
[PDF - 943 MB]
Deaths: Preliminary Data for 2007. NVSR Volume 58, Number 1. 51 pp. (PHS) 2009-1120.
[PDF - 1 MB]
Volume 57, No. 1 to 19
Persons with disabilities who experience problems accessing PDF files should or call 301-458-4688.
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for 2008. NVSR Volume 57, Number 19. 6 pp. (PHS) 2009-1120.
[PDF - 146 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for November 2008. NVSR Volume 57, Number 18. 6 pp. (PHS) 2009-1120.
[PDF - 162 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for October 2008. NVSR Volume 57, Number 17. 6 pp. (PHS) 2009-1120.
[PDF - 92 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for September 2008. NVSR Volume 57, Number 16. 6 pp. (PHS) 2009-1120.
[PDF - 94 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for August 2008. NVSR Volume 57, Number 15. 6 pp. (PHS) 2009-1120.
[PDF - 152 KB]
Deaths: Final Data for 2006. NVSR Volume 57, Number 14. 80 pp. (PHS) 2009-1120.
[PDF - 2.4 MB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for July 2008. NVSR Volume 57, Number 13. 6 pp. (PHS) 2009-1120.
[PDF - 174 KB]
Births: Preliminary Data for 2007. NVSR Volume 57, Number 12. 23 pp. (PHS) 2009-1120.Supplemental Table: Late Preterm By State, 2006 and 2007
[PDF - 641 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for June 2008. NVSR Volume 57, Number 11. 6 pp. (PHS) 2009-1120.
[PDF - 156 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for May 2008. NVSR Volume 57, Number 10. 6 pp. (PHS) 2009-1120.
[PDF - 174 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for April 2008. NVSR Volume 57, Number 9. 6 pp. (PHS) 2009-1120.
[PDF - 157 KB]
Fetal and Perinatal Mortality, United States, 2005. NVSR Volume 57, Number 8. 20 pp. (PHS) 2009-1120.
[PDF - 523 KB]
Births: Final Data for 2006. NVSR Volume 57, Number 7. 102 pp. (PHS) 2009-1120.
[PDF - 2.4 MB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for March 2008. NVSR Volume 57, Number 6. 6 pp. (PHS) 2009-1120.
[PDF - 172 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for February 2008. NVSR Volume 57, Number 5. 6 pp. (PHS) 2008-1120.
[PDF - 460 KB]
U.S. Decennial Life Tables for 1999-2001: Methodology of the United States Life Tables. NVSR Volume 57, Number 4. 10 pp. (PHS) 2008-1120.
[PDF - 348 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for January 2008. NVSR Volume 57, Number 3. 6 pp. (PHS) 2008-1120.
[PDF - 446 KB]
Infant Mortality Statistics from the 2005 Period Linked Birth/Infant Death Data Set. NVSR Volume 57, Number 2. 32 pp. (PHS) 2008-1120.
[PDF - 737 KB]
U.S. Decennial Life Tables for 1999-2001, United States Life Tables. NVSR Volume 57, Number 1. 37 pp. (PHS) 2008-1120.
[PDF - 960 KB]
Volume 56, No. 1 to 21
Beginning with this edition, NCHS’ NVSR Births: Preliminary Data reports will be issued as Web-only reports. These reports will no longer be delivered through regular mail. All future NVSR preliminary reports can be viewed, downloaded, and printed.
Persons with disabilities who experience problems accessing PDF files should or call 301-458-4688.
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for 2007. NVSR Volume 56, Number 21. 6 pp. (PHS) 2008-1120.
[PDF - 97 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for November 2007. NVSR Volume 56, Number 20. 6 pp. (PHS) 2008-1120.
[PDF - 108 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for October 2007. NVSR Volume 56, Number 19. 6 pp. (PHS) 2008-1120.
[PDF - 107 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for September 2007. NVSR Volume 56, Number 18. 6 pp. (PHS) 2008-1120.
[PDF - 619 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for August 2007. NVSR Volume 56, Number 17. 6 pp. (PHS) 2008-1120.
[PDF - 619 KB]
Deaths: Preliminary Data for 2006. NVSR Volume 56, Number 16. 52 pp. (PHS) 2008-1120.
[PDF - 712 KB]
Estimated Pregnancy Rates by Outcome for the United States, 1990-2004. NVSR Volume 56, Number 15. 26 pp. (PHS) 2008-1120.
[PDF - 732 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for July 2007. NVSR Volume 56, Number 14. 6 pp. (PHS) 2008-1120.
[PDF - 427 KB]
Expanded Health Data from the New Birth Certificate, 2005. NVSR Volume 56, Number 13. 24 pp. (PHS) 2008-1120.
[PDF - 786 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for June 2007. NVSR Volume 56, Number 12. 6 pp. (PHS) 2008-1120.
[PDF - 223 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for May 2007. NVSR Volume 56, Number 11. 6 pp. (PHS) 2008-1120.
[PDF - 189 KB]
Deaths: Final Data for 2005. NVSR Volume 56, Number 10. 121 pp. (PHS) 2008-1120.
[PDF - 808 KB]
United States Life Tables, 2004. NVSR Volume 56, Number 9. 40 pp. (PHS) 2008-1120.
[PDF - 1.6 MB]
Tables updated using revised intercensal populations.
[PDF - 281 KB]
Tables updated using revised intercensal populations.
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for April 2007. NVSR Volume 56, Number 8. 6 pp. (PHS) 2008-1120.
[PDF - 223 KB]
Births: Preliminary Data for 2006. NVSR Volume 56, Number 7. 18 pp. (PHS) 2008-1120.
[PDF - 417 KB]
Births: Final Data for 2005. NVSR Volume 56, Number 6. 104 pp. (PHS) 2008-1120.
[PDF - 2.8 MB]
NOTE: Data for Vermont in 2005 are based on an incomplete file of records. Information based on the complete file is available at Vermont resident births.
NOTE: Data for Vermont in 2005 are based on an incomplete file of records. Information based on the complete file is available at Vermont resident births.
Deaths: Leading Causes for 2004. NVSR Volume 56, Number 5. 96 pp. (PHS) 2008-1120.
[PDF - 3.2 MB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for March 2007. NVSR Volume 56, Number 4. 6 pp. (PHS) 2008-1120.
[PDF - 221 KB]
Fetal and Perinatal Mortality, United States, 2004. NVSR Volume 56, Number 3. 20 pp. (PHS) 2008-1120.
[PDF - 494 KB]Notice of Error in the 2003 and 2004 Fetal Death Data Files and Reports 
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for February 2007. NVSR Volume 56, Number 2. 6 pp. (PHS) 2008-1120.
[PDF - 225 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for January 2007. NVSR Volume 56, Number 1. 6 pp. (PHS) 2008-1120.
[PDF - 189 KB]
Volume 55, No. 1 to 20
Persons with disabilities who experience problems accessing PDF files should or call 301-458-4688.
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for 2006. NVSR Volume 55, Number 20. 6 pp. (PHS) 2007-1120.
[PDF - 190 KB]
Deaths: Final Data for 2004. NVSR Volume 55, Number 19. 120 pp. (PHS) 2007-1120.
[PDF - 3.5 MB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for November 2006. NVSR Volume 55, Number 18. 6 pp. (PHS) 2007-1120.
[PDF - 189 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for October 2006. NVSR Volume 55, Number 17. 6 pp. (PHS) 2007-1120.
[PDF - 189 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for September 2006. NVSR Volume 55, Number 16. 6 pp. (PHS) 2007-1120.
[PDF - 191 KB]
Characteristics of Births to Single- and Multiple-Race Women: California, Hawaii, Pennsylvania, Utah, and Washington, 2003. NVSR Volume 55, Number 15. 21 pp. (PHS) 2007-1120.
[PDF - 1.1 MB]
Infant Mortality Statistics from the 2004 Period Linked Birth/Infant Death Data Set. NVSR Volume 55, Number 14. 33 pp. (PHS) 2007-1120.
[PDF - 799 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for August 2006. NVSR Volume 55, Number 13. 6 pp. (PHS) 2007-1120.
[PDF - 230 KB]
Expanded Health Data from the New Birth Certificate, 2004. NVSR Volume 55, Number 12. 23 pp. (PHS) 2007-1120.
[PDF - 393 KB]
Births: Preliminary Data for 2005. NVSR Volume 55, Number 11. 19 pp. (PHS) 2007-1120.
[PDF - 474 KB]
Deaths: Leading Causes for 2003. NVSR Volume 55, Number 10. 6 pp. (PHS) 2007-1120.
[PDF - 2.9 MB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for July 2006. NVSR Volume 55, Number 9. 6 pp. (PHS) 2007-1120.
[PDF - 193 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for June 2006. NVSR Volume 55, Number 8. 6 pp. (PHS) 2007-1120.
[PDF - 223 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for May 2006. NVSR Volume 55, Number 7. 6 pp. (PHS) 2007-1120.
[PDF - 185 KB]
Fetal and Perinatal Mortality, United States, 2003. NVSR Volume 55, Number 6. 18 pp. (PHS) 2007-1120.
[PDF - 689 KB]Notice of Error in the 2003 and 2004 Fetal Death Data Files and Reports 
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for April 2006. NVSR Volume 55, Number 5. 6 pp. (PHS) 2006-1120.
[PDF - 187 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for March 2006. NVSR Volume 55, Number 4. 6 pp. (PHS) 2006-1120.
[PDF - 229 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for February 2006. NVSR Volume 55, Number 3. 6 pp. (PHS) 2006-1120.
[PDF - 221 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for January 2006. NVSR Volume 55, Number 2. 6 pp. (PHS) 2006-1120.
[PDF - 201 KB]
Births: Final Data for 2004. NVSR Volume 55, Number 1. 102 pp. (PHS) 2006-1120.
[PDF - 3.4 MB]
Volume 54, No. 1 to 20
Persons with disabilities who experience problems accessing PDF files should or call 301-458-4688.
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for 2005. NVSR Volume 54, Number 20. 7 pp. (PHS) 2006-1120.
[PDF - 198 KB]
Deaths: Preliminary Data for 2004. NVSR Volume 54, Number 19. 50 pp. (PHS) 2006-1120.
[PDF - 123 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for November 2005. NVSR Volume 54, Number 18. 7 pp. (PHS) 2006-1120.
[PDF - 199 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for October 2005. NVSR Volume 54, Number 17. 7 pp. (PHS) 2006-1120.
[PDF - 251 KB]
Infant Mortality Statistics from the 2003 Period Linked Birth/Infant Death Data Set. NVSR Volume 54, Number 16. 30 pp. (PHS) 2006-1120.
[PDF - 685 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for September 2005. NVSR Volume 54, Number 15. 7 pp. (PHS) 2006-1120.
[PDF - 199 KB]
United States Life Tables, 2003. NVSR Volume 54, Number 14. 40 pp. (PHS) 2006-1120.
[PDF - 1.2 MB]
Tables updated using revised intercensal populations.
[PDF - 282 KB]
Tables updated using revised intercensal populations.
Deaths: Final Data for 2003. NVSR Volume 54, Number 13. 120 pp. (PHS) 2006-1120.
[PDF - 3.7 MB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for August 2005. NVSR Volume 54, Number 12. 7 pp. (PHS) 2006-1120.
[PDF - 215 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for July 2005. NVSR Volume 54, Number 11. 7 pp. (PHS) 2006-1120.
[PDF - 216 KB]
Deaths: Injuries, 2002. NVSR Volume 54, Number 10. 125 pp. (PHS) 2006-1120.
[PDF - 4.8 MB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for June 2005. NVSR Volume 54, Number 9. 7 pp. (PHS) 2006-1120.
[PDF - 251 KB]
Births: Preliminary Data for 2004. NVSR Volume 54, Number 8. 18 pp. (PHS) 2006-1120.
[PDF - 880 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for May 2005. NVSR Volume 54, Number 7. 7 pp. (PHS) 2006-1120.
[PDF - 211 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for April 2005. NVSR Volume 54, Number 6. 7 pp. (PHS) 2006-1120.
[PDF - 223 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for March 2005. NVSR Volume 54, Number 5. 6 pp. (PHS) 2005-1120.
[PDF - 257 KB]
Trends in Cesarean Rates for First Births and Repeat Cesarean Rates for Low-Risk Women: United States, 1990-2003. NVSR Volume 54, Number 4. 9 pp. (PHS) 2005-1120.
[PDF - 553 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for February 2005. NVSR Volume 54, Number 3. 6 pp. (PHS) 2005-1120.
[PDF - 236 KB]
Births: Final Data for 2003. NVSR Volume 54, Number 2. 116 pp. (PHS) 2005-1120.
[PDF - 4.1 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for January 2005. NVSR Volume 54, Number 1. 6 pp. (PHS) 2005-1120.
[PDF - 345 KB]
Volume 53, No. 1 to 21
Persons with disabilities who experience problems accessing PDF files should or call 301-458-4688.
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for 2004. NVSR Volume 53, Number 21. 7 pp. (PHS) 2005-1120.
[PDF - 307 KB]
Trend Analysis of the Sex Ratio at Birth in the United States. NVSR Volume 53, Number 20. 18 pp. (PHS) 2005-1120.
[PDF - 1.4 MB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for November 2004. NVSR Volume 53, Number 19. 7 pp. (PHS) 2005-1120.
[PDF - 567 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for October 2004. NVSR Volume 53, Number 18. 7 pp. (PHS) 2005-1120.
[PDF - 545 KB]
Deaths: Leading Causes for 2002. NVSR Volume 53, Number 17. 90 pp. (PHS) 2005-1120.
[PDF - 2.7 MB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for September 2004. NVSR Volume 53, Number 16. 7 pp. (PHS) 2005-1120.
[PDF - 559 KB]
Deaths: Preliminary Data for 2003. NVSR Volume 53, Number 15. 48 pp. (PHS) 2005-1120.
[PDF - 1.3 MB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for August 2004. NVSR Volume 53, Number 14. 7 pp. (PHS) 2005-1120.
[PDF - 555 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for July 2004. NVSR Volume 53, Number 13. 7 pp. (PHS) 2005-1120.
[PDF - 559 KB]
Explaining the 2001-02 Infant Mortality Increase: Data From the Linked Birth/Infant Death Data Set. NVSR Volume 53, Number 12. 23 pp. (PHS) 2005-1120.
[PDF - 1.2 MB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for June 2004. NVSR Volume 53, Number 11. 7 pp. (PHS) 2005-1120.
[PDF - 554 KB]
Infant Mortality Statistics from the 2002 Period Linked Birth/Infant Death Data Set. NVSR Volume 53, Number 10. 30 pp. (PHS) 2005-1120.
[PDF - 1.8 MB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for May 2004. NVSR Volume 53, Number 8. 7 pp. (PHS) 2005-1120.
[PDF - 550 KB]
Births to 10-14 Year-Old Mothers, 1990-2002: Trends and Health Outcomes. NVSR Volume 53, Number 7. 19 pp. (PHS) 2005-1120.
[PDF - 1.2 MB]
United States Life Tables, 2002. NVSR Volume 53, Number 6. 39 pp. (PHS) 2005-1120.
[PDF - 3.5 MB]
Tables updated using revised intercensal populations.
[PDF - 289 KB]
Tables updated using revised intercensal populations.
Deaths: Final Data for 2002. NVSR Volume 53, Number 5. 116 pp. (PHS) 2005-1120.
[PDF - 9.7 MB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for April 2004. NVSR Volume 53, Number 4. 7 pp. (PHS) 2005-1120.
[PDF - 552 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for March 2004. NVSR Volume 53, Number 3. 7 pp. (PHS) 2004-1120.
[PDF - 423 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for February 2004. NVSR Volume 53, Number 2. 6 pp. (PHS) 2004-1120.
[PDF - 347 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for January 2004. NVSR Volume 53, Number 1. 6 pp. (PHS) 2004-1120.
[PDF - 381 KB]
Volume 52, No. 1 to 23
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Estimated Pregnancy Rates for the United States, 1990-2000: An Update. NVSR Volume 52, Number 23. 10 pp. (PHS) 2004-1120.
[PDF - 710 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for 2003. NVSR Volume 52, Number 22. 7 pp. (PHS) 2004-1120.
[PDF - 372 KB]
Deaths: Injuries, 2001. NVSR Volume 52, Number 21. 87 pp. (PHS) 2004-1120.
[PDF - 5.1 MB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for November 2003. NVSR Volume 52, Number 20. 6 pp. (PHS) 2004-1120.
[PDF - 369 KB]
Trends in Characteristics of Births by State: United States, 1990, 1995, and 2000-2002. NVSR Volume 52, Number 19. 152 pp. (PHS) 2004-1120.
[PDF - 10.7 MB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for October 2003. NVSR Volume 52, Number 18. 6 pp. (PHS) 2004-1120.
[PDF - 387 KB]
Reproduction Rates for 1990-2002 and Intrinsic Rates for 2000-2001: United States. NVSR Volume 52, Number 17. 12 pp. (PHS) 2004-1120.
[PDF - 895 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for September 2003. NVSR Volume 52, Number 16. 6 pp. (PHS) 2004-1120.
[PDF - 366 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for August 2003. NVSR Volume 52, Number 15. 6 pp. (PHS) 2004-1120.
[PDF - 400 KB]
United States Life Tables, 2001. NVSR Volume 52, Number 14. 39 pp. (PHS) 2004-1120.
[PDF - 2 MB]
Tables updated using revised intercensal populations.
[PDF -293 KB]
Tables updated using revised intercensal populations.
Deaths: Preliminary Data for 2002. NVSR Volume 52, Number 13. 48 pp. (PHS) 2004-1120.
[PDF - 2.3 MB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for July 2003. NVSR Volume 52, Number 12. 6 pp. (PHS) 2004-1120.
[PDF - 436 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for June 2003. NVSR Volume 52, Number 11. 6 pp. (PHS) 2004-1120.
[PDF - 433 KB]
Births: Final Data for 2002. NVSR Volume 52, Number 10. 114 pp. (PHS) 2004-1120.
[PDF - 2 MB]
Deaths: Leading Causes for 2001. NVSR Volume 52, Number 9. 86 pp. (PHS) 2004-1120.
[PDF - 2.4 MB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for May 2003. NVSR Volume 52, Number 8. 3 pp. (PHS) 2004-1120.
[PDF - 187 KB]
Revised Pregnancy Rates, 1990-97, and New Rates for 1998-99: United States. NVSR Volume 52, Number 7. 15 pp. (PHS) 2004-1120.
[PDF - 1.1 MB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for April 2003. NVSR Volume 52, Number 6. 3 pp. (PHS) 2004-1120.
[PDF - 188 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for March 2003. NVSR Volume 52, Number 5. 3 pp. (PHS) 2003-1120.
[PDF - 175 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for February 2003. NVSR Volume 52, Number 4. 3 pp. (PHS) 2003-1120.
[PDF - 174 KB]
Deaths: Final Data for 2001. NVSR Volume 52, Number 3. 116 pp. (PHS) 2003-1120.
[PDF - 7.7 MB]
Infant Mortality Statistics from the 2001 Period Linked Birth/Infant Death Data Set. NVSR Volume 52, Number 2. 27 pp. (PHS) 2003-1120.
[PDF - 1.3 MB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for January 2003. NVSR Volume 52, Number 1. 3 pp. (PHS) 2003-1120.
[PDF - 174 KB]
Volume 51, No. 1 to 12
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Revised Birth and Fertility Rates for the 1990s and New Rates for Hispanic Populations, 2000 and 2001: United States. NVSR Report 51, No. 12. 94 pp. (PHS) 2003-1120.
[PDF - 1.3 MB]
Births: Preliminary Data for 2002. NVSR Vol. 51, No. 11. 20 pp. (PHS) 2003-1120.
[PDF - 1.2 MB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for October-December 2002. NVSR Vol. 51, No. 10. 4 pp. (PHS) 2003-1120.
[PDF - 225 KB]
The Effect of Revised Populations on Mortality Statistics for the United States, 2000. NVSR Vol. 51, No. 9. 24 pp. (PHS) 2003-1120.
[PDF - 1.1 MB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for July-September 2002. NVSR Vol. 51, No. 8. 4 pp. (PHS) 2003-1120.
[PDF - 216 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for April-June 2002. NVSR Vol. 51, No. 7. 4 pp. (PHS) 2003-1120.
[PDF - 206 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for January-March 2002. NVSR Vol. 51, No. 6. 4 pp. (PHS) 2003-1120.
[PDF - 210 KB]
Deaths: Preliminary Data for 2001. NVSR Vol. 51, No. 5. 45 pp. (PHS) 2003-1120.
[PDF - 2.1 MB]
Revised Birth and Fertility Rates for the United States, 2000 and 2001. NVSR Vol. 51, No. 4. 19 pp. (PHS) 2003-1120.
[PDF - 2.3 MB]
United States Life Tables, 2000. NVSR Vol. 51, No. 3. 39 pp. (PHS) 2003-1120.
[PDF - 1.9 MB]
Births: Final Data for 2001. NVSR Vol. 51, No. 2. 103 pp. (PHS) 2003-1120.
[PDF - 6.2 MB]
Mean Age of Mother, 1970-2000. NVSR Vol. 51, No. 1. 14 pp. (PHS) 2003-1120.
[PDF - 629 KB]
Volume 50, No. 1 to 16
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Deaths: Leading Causes for 2000. NVSR Vol. 50, No. 16. 86 pp. (PHS) 2002-1120.
[PDF - 6.3 MB]
Deaths: Final Data for 2000. NVSR Vol. 50, No. 15. 120 pp. (PHS) 2002-1120.
[PDF - 8.1 MB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for 2001. NVSR Vol. 50, No. 14. 2 pp. (PHS) 2002-1120.
[PDF - 164 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for November 2001. NVSR Vol. 50, No. 13. 2 pp. (PHS) 2002-1120.
[PDF - 160 KB]
Infant Mortality Statistics From the 2000 Period Linked Birth/Infant Death Data Set. NVSR Vol. 50, No. 12. 27 pp. (PHS) 2002-1120.
[PDF - 1.4 MB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for October 2001. NVSR Vol. 50, No. 11. 2 pp. (PHS) 2002-1120.
[PDF - 174 KB]
Births: Preliminary Data for 2001. NVSR Vol. 50, No. 10. 20 pp. (PHS) 2002-1120.
[PDF - 1.3 MB]
Teenage Births in the United States: State Trends, 1991-2000, an Update. NVSR Vol. 50, No. 9. 4 pp. (PHS) 2002-1120.
[PDF - 293 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for September 2001. NVSR Vol. 50, No. 8. 4 pp. (PHS) 2002-1120.
[PDF - 192 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for August 2001. NVSR Vol. 50, No. 7. 2 pp. (PHS) 2002-1120.
[PDF - 191 KB]
United States Life Tables, 1999. NVSR Vol. 50, No. 6. 39 pp. (PHS) 2002-1120.
[PDF - 2 MB]
Births: Final Data for 2000. NVSR Vol. 50, No. 5. 104 pp. (PHS) 2002-1120.
[PDF - 1.3 MB]
Infant Mortality Statistics From the 1999 Period Linked Birth/Infant Death Data Set. NVSR Vol. 50, No. 4. 27 pp. (PHS) 2002-1120.
[PDF - 1.3 MB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for July 2001. NVSR Vol. 50, No. 3. 2 pp. (PHS) 2002-1120.
[PDF - 186 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for April-June 2001. NVSR Vol. 50, No. 2. 4 pp. (PHS) 2002-1120.
[PDF - 225 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for January-March 2001. Vol. 50, No. 1. 4 pp. (PHS) 2002-1120.
[PDF - 221 KB]
Volume 49, No. 1 to 13
Persons with disabilities who experience problems accessing PDF files should or call 301-458-4688.
Trends in Cesarean Birth and Vaginal Birth After Previous Cesarean, 1991-99. Vol. 49, No. 13. 15 pp. (PHS) 2001-1120.
[PDF - 767 KB]
Deaths: Preliminary Data for 2000. Vol. 49, No. 12. 40 pp. (PHS) 2001-1120.
[PDF - 1.8 MB]
Deaths: Leading Causes for 1999. Vol. 49, No. 11. 88 pp. (PHS) 2001-1120.
[PDF - 917 KB
Births to Teenagers in the United States, 1940-2000. Vol. 49, No. 10. 24 pp. (PHS) 2001-1120.
[PDF - 1.2 MB]
Age-adjusted Death Rates: Trend Data Based on the Year 2000 Standard Population. Vol. 49, No. 9. 24 pp. (PHS) 2001-1120.
[PDF - 396 KB]
Deaths: Final Data for 1999. Vol. 49, No. 8. 114 pp. (PHS) 2001-1120.
[PDF - 1 MB]
Smoking During Pregnancy in the 1990s. Vol. 49, No. 7. 15 pp. (PHS) 2001-1120.
[PDF - 731 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for January-December 2000. Vol. 49, No. 6. 8 pp. (PHS) 2001-1120.
[PDF - 355 KB]Provisional Tables by State for 1998-2000
Births: Preliminary Data for 2000. Vol. 49, No. 5. 20 pp. (PHS) 2001-1120.
[PDF - 1 MB]
Trends in Pregnancy Rates for the United States, 1976-97: An Update. Vol. 49, No. 4. 10 pp. (PHS) 2001-1120.
[PDF - 142 KB]
Deaths: Preliminary Data for 1999. Vol. 49, No. 3. 49 pp. (PHS) 2001-1120.
[PDF - 403 KB]
Comparability of Cause of Death Between ICD-9 and ICD-10: Preliminary Estimates. Vol. 49, No. 2. 32 pp. (PHS) 2001-1120.
[PDF - 338 KB]
Births: Final Data for 1999. Vol. 49, No. 1. 99 pp. (PHS) 2001-1120.
[PDF - 6.11 MB]
Volume 48, No. 1 to 19
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Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for 1999. Vol. 48, No. 19. 2 pp. (PHS) 01-1120.
[PDF - 90 KB]
United States Life Tables, 1998. Vol. 48, No. 18. 39 pp. (PHS) 01-1120.
[PDF - 318 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for November 1999. Vol. 48, No. 17. 2 pp. (PHS) 01-1120.
[PDF - 43 KB]
Nonmarital Childbearing in the United States, 1940-99. Vol. 48, No. 16. 39 pp. (PHS) 01-1120.
[PDF - 282 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for October 1999. Vol. 48, No. 15. 2 pp. (PHS) 2000-1120.
[PDF - 43 KB]
Births: Preliminary Data for 1999. Vol. 48, No. 14. 24 pp. (PHS) 2000-1120.
[PDF - 170 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for September 1999. Vol. 48, No. 13. 2 pp. (PHS) 2000-1120.
[PDF - 43 KB]
Infant Mortality Statistics From the 1998 Period Linked Birth/Infant Death Data Set. Vol. 48, No. 12. 28 pp. (PHS) 2000-1120.
[PDF - 195 KB]
Deaths: Final Data for 1998. Vol. 48, No. 11. 106 pp. (PHS) 2000-1120.
[PDF - 622 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for August 1999. Vol. 48, No. 10. 2 pp. (PHS) 2000-1120.
[PDF - 43 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for July 1999. Vol. 48, No. 9. 2 pp. (PHS) 2000-1120.
[PDF - 43 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for June 1999. Vol. 48, No. 8. 2 pp. (PHS) 2000-1120.
[PDF - 43 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for May 1999. Vol. 48, No. 7. 2 pp. (PHS) 2000-1120.
[PDF - 43 KB]
Variations in Teenage Birth Rates, 1991-98: National and State Trends. Vol. 48, No. 6. 14 pp. (PHS) 2000-1120.
[PDF - 179 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for April 1999. Vol. 48, No. 5. 2 pp. (PHS) 2000-1120.
[PDF - 43 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for March 1999. Vol. 48, No. 4. 2 pp. (PHS) 2000-1120.
[PDF - 44 KB]
Births: Final Data for 1998. Vol. 48, No. 3. 100 pp. (PHS) 2000-1120.
[PDF - 6.19 MB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for February 1999. Vol. 48, No. 2. 2 pp. (PHS) 2000-1120.
[PDF - 77 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for January 1999. Vol. 48, No. 1. 2 pp. (PHS) 2000-1120.
[PDF - 45 KB]
Volume 47, No. 1 to 29
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Highlights of Trends in Pregnancies and Pregnancy Rates. Vol. 47, No. 29. 12 pp. (PHS) 2000-1120.
[PDF - 257 KB]
United States Life Tables, 1997. Vol. 47, No. 28. 40 pp. PHS) 2000-1120.
[PDF - 311 KB]
Trends in the Attendant, Place, and Timing of Births, and in the Use of Obstetric Interventions: United States, 1989-97. Vol. 47, No. 27. 16 pp. (PHS) 2000-1120.
[PDF - 287 KB]
Declines in Teenage Birth Rates, 1991-98. Vol. 47, No. 26. 12 pp. (PHS) 2000-1120.
[PDF - 143 KB]
Births and Deaths: Preliminary Data for 1998. Vol. 47, No. 25. 48 pp. (PHS) 99-1120.
[PDF - 362 KB]
Trends in Twin and Triplet Births: 1980-97. Vol. 47, No. 24. 20 pp. (PHS) 99-1120.
[PDF - 506 KB]
Infant Mortality Statistics from the 1997 Period Linked Birth/Infant Death Data Set. Vol. 47, No. 23. 24 pp. PHS) 99-1120.
[PDF - 226 KB]
Births and Deaths: Preliminary Data for July 1997-June 1998. Vol. 47, No. 22. 32 pp. (PHS) 99-1120.
[PDF - 213 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for 1998. Vol. 47, No. 21. 4 pp. (PHS) 99-1120.
[PDF - 59 KB]
Mortality From Alzheimer's Disease. Vol. 47, No. 20. 8 pp. (PHS) 99-1120.
[PDF - 316 KB]
Deaths: Final Data for 1997. Vol. 47, No. 19. 108 pp. (PHS) 99-1120.
[PDF - 1MB]
Births: Final Data for 1997. Vol. 47, No. 18. 96 pp. (PHS) 99-1120.
[PDF - 676 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for November 1998. Vol. 47, No. 17. 2 pp. (PHS) 99-1120.
[PDF - 53 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for October 1998. Vol. 47, No. 16. 2 pp. (PHS) 99-1120.
[PDF - 53 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for September 1998. Vol. 47, No. 15. 2 pp. (PHS) 99-1120.
[PDF - 53 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for August 1998. Vol. 47, No. 14. 2 pp. (PHS) 99-1120.
[PDF - 53 KB]
United States Abridged Life Tables, 1996. Vol. 47, No. 13. 20 pp. (PHS) 99-1120.
[PDF - 185 KB]
Decline in Teenage Birth Rates, 1991-97: National and State Patterns. Vol. 47, No. 12. 20 pp. (PHS) 99-1120.
[PDF - 426 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for July 1998. Vol. 47, No. 11. 2 pp. (PHS) 99-1120.
[PDF - 52 KB]
Smoking During Pregnancy, 1990-96. Vol. 47, No. 10. 12 pp. (PHS) 99-1120.
[PDF - 188 KB]
Report of Final Mortality Statistics, 1996. Vol. 47, No. 9. 100 pp. (PHS) 99-1120.
[PDF - 1.1 MB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for June 1998. Vol. 47, No. 8. 2 pp. (PHS) 99-1120.
[PDF - 55 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for May 1998. Vol. 47, No. 7. 2 pp. (PHS) 99-1120.
[PDF - 55 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for April 1998. Vol. 47, No. 7. 2 pp. (PHS) 99-1120.
[PDF - 55 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for March 1998. Vol. 47, No. 5. 2 pp. (PHS) 99-1120.
[PDF - 55 KB]
Births and Deaths: Preliminary Data for 1997. Vol. 47, No. 4. 42 pp. (PHS) 99-1120.
[PDF - 244 KB]
Age Standardization of Death Rates: Implementation of the Year 2000 Standard. Vol. 47, No. 3. 20 pp. (PHS) 98-1120.
[PDF - 260 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for February 1998. Vol. 47, No. 2. 2 pp. (PHS) 98-1120.
[PDF - 53 KB]
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for January 1998. Vol. 47, No. 1. 2 pp. (PHS) 98-1120.
[PDF - 59 KB]
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