domingo, 23 de junio de 2013

Total Synthesis and Stereochemical Assignment of Baringolin - Just-Baringo - 2013 - Angewandte Chemie International Edition - Wiley Online Library

Total Synthesis and Stereochemical Assignment of Baringolin - Just-Baringo - 2013 - Angewandte Chemie International Edition - Wiley Online Library

Total Synthesis and Stereochemical Assignment of Baringolin

  1. Xavier Just-Baringo1,2,

  2. Dr. Paolo Bruno1,2,

  3. Dr. Lars K. Ottesen1,2,

  4. Dr. Librada M. Cañedo5,

  5. Prof. Fernando Albericio1,2,3,*,

  6. Prof. Mercedes Álvarez1,2,4,*

Article first published online: 18 JUN 2013

DOI: 10.1002/anie.201302372

  1. We gratefully acknowledge support from the Spanish Science and Innovation Ministry, CICYT (CTQ2012-30930) and the Generalitat de Catalunya (2009SGR 1024). X.J. thanks ISCIII for a PFIS grant. We also thank Dr. Antonio Fernandez from Biomar SA for supplying a sample of the natural product for comparison.


  • antibiotics;

  • cross-couplings;

  • heterocycles;

  • natural products;

  • thiopeptides

Thumbnail image of graphical abstract

The thiopeptide antibiotic baringolin has been synthesized, and its structure and stereochemistry have been confirmed. The use of a strategy based on palladium-catalyzed cross-couplings permitted a modular construction of this natural product.

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