miércoles, 5 de junio de 2013

Supporting National HIV Testing Day with New Media

Supporting National HIV Testing Day with New Media

Supporting National HIV Testing Day with New Media

June 26 - National HIV Testing DayWith the annual observance of National HIV Testing Day (NHTD) on June 27, advocates, policy makers, healthcare providers, and others encourage people to “Take the Test. Take Control”.
Since NHTD was first observed in 2005, we have seen a tremendous rise in the use of new media tools. In June 2010, AIDS.gov launched the HIV Testing Sites & Care Services Locator. This is a location-based search tool that allows you to find HIV testing, housing assistance, health centers, Ryan White HIV care, mental health, substance abuse, and family planning service providers near your current location by entering your zip code.
HIV Locator WidgetJust as new media has changed over the years, so has the Locator. The Locator can be accessed on the web and as an app Exit Disclaimer for iPhones and iPads. It can also be viewed on Facebook Exit Disclaimer and shared through a widget.
Talking about the importance of HIV testing is made easier when you can find resources. To join us in supporting NHTD for 2013, add the Locator widget to your website or social media template. If you already use the Locator widget, it will automatically update with a new look for NHTD. Click here to try the Locator and visit this page to add the Locator to your site. (Want to know more about widgets? Check out our one pager.)
How do you plan to use new media to talk about HIV testing around National HIV Testing Day?

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