sábado, 15 de junio de 2013

Recovery Month's New Media Newsletter for June

Join the Voices for Recovery: On Pathways to Wellness September 2013 National Recovery Month
Recovery Month New Media E-NewsletterJune

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YouTube One Channel: Recovery Month Optimizes Channel

On June 5, YouTube, a video-sharing platform that receives more than one billion unique users each month, automatically switched all channel pages to a new design called One Channel. The new design creates a unified experience for users across channels and devices, such as computers, tablets, and smartphones. The One Channel design encourages users to subscribe to channels they are interested in following, making the entire YouTube experience more social.
Recovery Month updated its YouTube channel earlier this month to align with these changes. To start, Recovery Month identified a channel art image - the 2013 branded banner - that would work across platforms. YouTube recommends uploading an image with 2560 X 1440 pixel dimensions, so that the banner will look appropriate across various platforms.
Next, Recovery Month selected a trailer - the most recent Road to Recovery trailer - for nonsubscriber YouTube users. The first time a nonsubscriber to the Recovery Month channel visits the page, he or she will see the most recently uploaded trailer. This entices users to subscribe and learn more about the content shared through this channel.
The new design encourages social activity among YouTube users with new social media overlays in addition to a more prominent discussion section where subscribers can leave comments and connect with each other. Recovery Month featured overlay links leading users to its Facebook and Twitter pages with just one click on the banner. Additionally, Recovery Month drafted a few questions to spark discussion about prevention, treatment, and recovery among channel subscribers.
While many aspects of the old YouTube layout were automatically converted to the One Channel design earlier this month, there are steps you can take to optimize your channel as you adapt to this new layout. For tips and more information, you can learn more from Engadget or Search Engine Watch.


YouTube instituted a platform design overhaul in early June. While all channels were automatically transitioned to the new One Channel design, there are steps you can take to optimize your channel. An optimized landing page may help your organization assemble a larger group of dedicated subscribers. For additional details, read the full article on Mashable..
  1. Post a great channel trailer. Your channel trailer is the video that nonsubscribers see when they first arrive to your page, so be sure it is a video that will entice users to dig deeper.

  2. Optimize your channel name and description. Your channel name and description will show up not only on your channel, but also across YouTube search results and within the suggested channels section of other organizations' channels. Be direct and clear about the content you share, so users know what to expect as a subscriber to your channel.

  3. Pick the right icon. Select an icon that is easy to see even at very small resolutions and goes with your organization's branding and channel art.

  4. Make beautiful channel art. The One Channel design allows users to have a similar experience across devices, such as computers, tablets, and smartphones, so choose an image that can be scalable.

  5. Maintain your feed. The new design encourages subscriptions to YouTube channels and features user activity. Set your settings to share only the updates you want subscribers to see, such as uploaded videos or videos you have liked.

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