viernes, 14 de junio de 2013

FDA Basics > FDA Basics Webinar, June 17, 2013: Biological Products: Part 1

FDA Basics > FDA Basics Webinar, June 17, 2013: Biological Products: Part 1

Did you know that many of our medications for rheumatoid arthritis, anemia, cancer, and other diseases are biological products?

Learn how these products—derived from living material from humans, animals or microorganisms—work.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will host a webinar, "Overview of Biological Products,” Monday, June 17, at 2 PM ET. Mantej (Nimi) Chhina, M.S., Ph.D., of FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation Research, will explain how these products differ from small molecule drugs.

Visit FDA Basics to learn how to join this webinar.

FDA Basics Webinar, June 17, 2013: Biological Products: Part 1

Many of today’s important medications are biological products, generally derived from living material from humans, animals, or microorganisms.  These products treat conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, anemia, low white blood cell counts, inflammatory bowel disease, and various forms of cancer.  Unlike other drugs known as small molecule drugs, biological products are generally highly complex in structure.  This webinar is designed to provide an overview of biological products and how they differ from small molecule drugs.  Information from this webinar provides helpful background for an enhanced understanding of a future FDA Basics webinar, scheduled for August 19, 2013, on “Biosimilar Biological Products.”  Biosimilar biological products or biosimilars are biological products that are similar to or interchangeable with another FDA-approved biological product.  In 2010, the Obama Administration passed the Biologics Price Competition Innovation Act, designed to encourage the development of biosimilar biological products which can enhance competition and may lead to better patient access and lower cost to consumers.

Adobe Connect Webinar Information:
Meeting Name:  FDA Basics Biologics Webinar
When:  June 17, 2013 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Time Zone:  (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US and Canada)
To join the meeting:

Download Presentation Slides: Overview of Biological Products (PDF – 671KB)

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