jueves, 11 de octubre de 2012

Concepts: Potential Opportunities -- NIAID Research Funding

Concepts: Potential Opportunities -- NIAID Research Funding

Concepts: Potential Opportunities

Concepts represent early planning stages for initiatives: program announcements, requests for applications, and solicitations.
Approval of a concept by NIAID's advisory Council does not guarantee it will become an initiative. We make that decision based on scientific and programmatic priorities and the availability of funds.
Concepts reveal possible initiatives or give you ideas for an investigator-initiated application. Read more in Concepts May Turn Into Initiatives and Choose Approach and Find FOAs in Part 2 of our Strategy for NIH Funding.
Below we post the concepts Council approves a few weeks after each advisory Council meeting—go to the Advisory Council portal for the schedule. To get an email alert when we post new concepts, sign up at NIAID Funding Newsletter and Email Alerts Subscription Center and pick Concepts, Potential Funding Opportunities as a topic of interest.
September 2012September 2012September 2012
May 2012May 2012May 2012
January 2012January 2012January 2012
September 2011September 2011September 2011
May 2011May 2011May 2011
February 2011February 2011February 2011

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