CDC Funds Help States Prevent Healthcare-Associated Infections
With funds made possible by the Affordable Care Act, all states that applied to CDC for infrastructure funds (49 states, Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico), will receive funding to continue to implement strategies to protect patients from health care-associated infections (HAI)
CDC - State-based HAI
prevention - HAI
. 16 states are receiving funding to prevent HAIs across the spectrum of health care by
( CDC -
State-based: Prevention projects - HAI ) building multi-facility prevention initiatives, including: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Tennessee, Vermont, and Wisconsin. Previous investments have resulted in 21 states demonstrating significant reductions in HAIs in their states, which have saved lives and health care costs. CDC - NHSN
State HAI Reports - Monitoring - HAI
Four states will receive HAI funding to advance the national implementation of electronic laboratory records by improving capacity to receive, validate, process, and use incoming electronic laboratory records messages in surveillance systems. These states include: Arizona, Tennessee, South Carolina, and New Mexico. This work will impact the timely reporting of health care-associated infections to CDC’s National Healthcare Safety Network. CDC - NHSN
Learn more about what your state is doing to prevent HAIs at CDC’s clickable map: state-based HAI prevention map.
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