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Health Care: Mental Health Subdirectory Page
Mental Health
- Aging
-- Children
--- Depression
----- Men's/Women's Health
------ Schizophrenia
------- Services Research
-------- Stress
--------- Substance Abuse/Addiction
---------- Aging
* Comparative Effectiveness Review, No. 6: Efficacy and Comparative Effectiveness of Off-Label Use of Atypical Antipsychotics
** Evidence Report/Technology Assessment, No. 97: Pharmacological Treatment of Dementia
*** Evidence Report/Technology Assessment, No. 134: B Vitamins and Berries and Age-Related Neurodegenerative Disorders
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Recommendations:
Screening for Dementia
Research Findings
News and Numbers
Date Title
10/30/08 One in Five Hospital Admissions are for Patients with Mental Disorders
Research Activities, April 2009:
* Nursing home residents with cognitive impairment are able to participate in a motivational intervention
* Nearly a fifth of elderly patients are readmitted after a hospital stay for psychiatric care
Research Activities, January 2009: Inpatient treatment for elderly nondementia psychiatric illnesses is shifting into less expensive settings
Research Activities, November 2008:
Hospital stay duration and cost for the elderly with non-dementia psychiatric illnesses varies by care settings
Changes in cost to patients reduce new use of antidepressants among the elderly, but have less impact on continued use
Research Activities, June 2008:
Use of dementia treatments is similar in community and long-term care settings
Research Activities, May 2008:
Nursing home residents likely to receive diagnosis and pills for depression but not psychotherapy
Research Activities, February 2008:
Medicare drug plans cover a good selection of drugs for nursing home residents, but plan vigilance should continue
Research Activities, January 2008:
The link between vitamin B levels and subsequent cognitive function remains unclear
Research Activities, December 2007:
Prescribing antidepressants for elderly persons should not be affected by concern about drug-related pneumonia risk
Research Activities, November 2007:
Postdischarge care management that integrates medical and social care can improve outcomes of the low-income elderly
Black and white caregivers of rural patients with dementia have different characteristics and coping styles
Research Activities, September 2007:
Studies examine the safety of prescribing antipsychotics, acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, and beta-blockers to older adults
Research Activities, July 2007:
Greater access to physician services may narrow mortality differences among the black and white elderly
Research Activities, April 2007:
Rural nursing home residents with dementia are less likely than their urban counterparts to undergo intensive end-of-life care
Research Activities, March 2007:
Stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus of the brain improves quality of life for patients with advanced Parkinson's disease
Intimate partner abuse has no age limit
Research Activities, February 2007:
Proportion of black residents, profit status, and community locale influence the type of care provided at U.S. nursing homes
Evidence is lacking to support many off-label uses of atypical antipsychotic drugs
Newer class of antidepressants is similar in effectiveness, but side effects differ
Advance care plans of nursing home residents vary by age, race/ethnicity, and income
- Research Activities, May 2006
Improved recognition and treatment of emotional problems may indirectly improve the elderly's use of preventive care
- Research Activities, December 2005:
Donepezil has a small effect in the treatment of dementia from Parkinson's disease
- Research Activities, November 2005:
Diagnosing dementia is difficult and expensive for primary care practices
Very elderly patients are more likely to need skilled nursing care after coronary bypass surgery
-Research Activities, October 2005:
Psychotherapy is not commonly used to treat older adults with depression
Comparative Effectiveness Review, No. 6: Efficacy and Comparative Effectiveness of Off-Label Use of Atypical Antipsychotics
Evidence Report/Technology Assessment, No. 107: Preventing Violence and Related Health-Risking Social Behaviors in Adolescents
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Recommendations: Screening for Depression in Children and Adolescents—Updated (2009)
Research Findings
Agency Press Releases
Date Title
3/30/09 Task Force Recommends Screening Adolescents for Clinical Depression
Research Activities, February 2009:
Mental health counseling remains persistently low from adolescence into young adulthood
Research Activities, October 2008:
Study provides new evidence linking antidepressants and risk of suicide in depressed children and adolescents
Research Activities, September 2008:
Youth at highest risk of attempting suicide are severely depressed and suffered a recent romantic breakup or assault
Research Activities, June 2008:
Diagnosis of bipolar disorder among youth skyrockets
Research Activities, April 2008:
White children are about twice as likely to use stimulants as black and Hispanic children
Studies examine the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the South
Research Activities, March 2008:
A short homeless period among youth "aged out" of the foster care system affects care access, but not health
Research Activities, February 2008:
Children with special health care needs seem to benefit from Medicaid managed care programs with case managers
Research Activities, January 2008:
Regulatory warnings led to decreased use of antidepressants in children and adolescents in 2004 and 2005
Intervention programs that focus on already violent youth are more effective than other programs for reducing violent behavior
Research Activities, October 2007:
AHRQ and FDA to collaborate in the largest study ever of possible heart risks with ADHA medications
Researchers examine link between trauma and alcohol problems as well as cardiovascular risk factors among American Indians
Research Activities, July 2007:
Today's teen smokers are more likely to engage in risky behaviors than teens who smoked in the early nineties
Research Activities, June 2007:
The State Children's Health Insurance Program can improve care access, use, and quality for children with special health care needs and adolescents
Research Activities, January 2007:
Antidepressants may increase children's and adolescents' risk of suicide attempts after hospitalization for depression
Research Activities, October 2006:
Less than half of parents infected with HIV tell their children about the diagnosis
Research Activities, September 2006:
Use of stimulant medications to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children has leveled off since 1997
Research Activities, June 2006:
Antidepressant use doubled among adolescents from 1997 to 2002, with no change among children younger than 13 years
Research Activities, April 2006
Wisconsin study finds hundreds of hospitalizations for self-poisonings among 12- to 17-year-olds
Research Activities, March 2006
Minority children living in public housing are more likely to suffer from chronic health problems
Adding cognitive behavioral therapy to treatment plans reduces depressive symptoms among adolescents
Research Activities, February 2006:
Hospital type and location influence discharge disposition of adolescents hospitalized for suicide attempts
Research Activities, January 2006:
Cognitive behavioral therapy offers adolescents with depression some benefit over treatment with antidepressants alone
Studies examine the impact of Medicaid managed care programs on access to and use of care
Research Activities, October 2005:
Mental health problems among children with special health care needs and their caregivers are barriers to care
Two factors predict risk for suicide attempts in youths referred for emergency psychiatric hospitalization
Research Activities, September 2005:
Events surrounding a serious injury affect the likelihood that an adolescent will suffer from long-term post traumatic stress disorder
Research Activities, July 2005:
Use of atypical antipsychotic drugs to treat children continues despite questions about their safety and efficacy in the young
Research Activities, May 2005:
Researchers examine effects of quality improvement on depression care for adolescents and adults
Research Activities, January 2005:
Many chronic diseases and mental disorders that affect adults have their roots in childhood
Comparative Effectiveness Review, No. 6:
Efficacy and Comparative Effectiveness of Off-Label Use of Atypical Antipsychotics
Comparative Effectiveness Review, No. 7:
Comparative Effectiveness of Second-Generation Antidepressants in the Pharmacologic Treatment of Adult Depression
Evidence Report/Technology Assessment, No. 116:
Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Effects on Mental Health
Evidence Report/Technology Assessment, No. 119:
Perinatal Depression, Prevalence and Screening
Evidence Report/Technology Assessment, No. 123:
Post-Myocardial Infarction Depression
Evidence Report/Technology Assessment, No. 146:
Depression, CYP450 Testing for Adults Treated with SSRIs
Fact Sheet, January 2000:
Improving Quality of Care for People With Depression
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Recommendations:
Screening for Depression in Adults
Screening for Depression in Children and Adolescents—Updated (2009)
Research Findings
Agency Press Releases
Date Title
3/30/09 Task Force Recommends Screening Adolescents for Clinical Depression
News and Numbers
Date Title
10/30/08 One in Five Hospital Admissions are for Patients with Mental Disorders
7/24/08 Antidepressant Prescriptions Climb by 16 Million
Research Activities, April 2009:
Depression and substance abuse treatment hospitalizations declined for Medicare beneficiaries over a decade
Research Activities, January 2009:
Integrated mental and physical health services may help people with depression
Research Activities, December 2008:
Depression symptoms are similar in pregnant and nonpregnant women
People with diabetes and depression are less likely to self-manage their diabetes
Patients prescribed antidepressants from psychiatrists are more likely to receive and continue higher doses
Research Activities, November 2008:
Changes in cost to patients reduce new use of antidepressants among the elderly, but have less impact on continued use
Underserved blacks and Hispanics with depression often use complementary and alternative medicine for their symptoms
Screening for alcohol misuse among emergency department patients may uncover depression
Introduction of a multitiered formulary decreases antidepressant use
Research Activities, October 2008:
Study provides new evidence linking antidepressants and risk of suicide in depressed children and adolescents
Research Activities, September 2008:
Pregnant Latinas who experience intimate partner violence are more likely to be depressed or have PTSD
Youth at highest risk of attempting suicide are severely depressed and suffered a recent romantic breakup or assault
Emergency department clinicians rarely address depression
Antidepressant prescriptions climb by 16 million
Research Activities, August 2008:
Depression and burnout are problems among pediatric residents
Part-time doctors report less burnout, greater satisfaction, and more work control than full-time physicians
Research Activities, July 2008:
Primary care doctors miss diagnosing two-thirds of people suffering from depression
Direct-to-consumer advertising of antidepressants aims to increase pool of users
Individuals with more depressive symptoms are more likely to benefit from training in chronic illness self-management
Studies examine effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of depression quality improvement programs in primary care
Research Activities, June 2008:
Antidepressants and therapy may be cost-effective for patients with medically unexplained symptoms
Diagnosis of bipolar disorder among youth skyrockets
Serious mood disorders may be underdiagnosed or undertreated among impoverished blacks
Research Activities, May 2008:
Antidepressant use during pregnancy is linked to increases in preterm birth and potentially serious infant perinatal problems
Studies examine disease self-management and quality of life of individuals with multiple chronic illnesses
Nursing home residents likely to receive diagnosis and pills for depression but not psychotherapy
Research Activities, April 2008:
Work-sponsored weight management programs offer losses for employees and gains for employers
Patients with depression who receive mental health treatment and are involved in therapeutic decisions are more satisfied with their care
Life challenges, not discharge problems, cause repeat hospitalizations
Studies examine the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the South
Research Activities, March 2008:
Patients with diabetes and depression tend to skip self-care behaviors that would help keep their diabetes in check
Research Activities, February 2008:
Medicare drug plans cover a good selection of drugs for nursing home residents, but plan vigilance should continue
Research Activities, January 2008:
Regulatory warnings led to decreased use of antidepressants in children and adolescents in 2004 and 2005
Use of antidepressants by low-income pregnant women has jumped more than twofold, raising questions about fetal risks
Informal caregiving for survivors of critical illness takes a toll on the health and lifestyle of caregivers
Use of complementary and alternative medicine is common among persons who have been hospitalized for coronary artery disease
Research Activities, December 2007:
Prescribing antidepressants for elderly persons should not be affected by concern about drug-related pneumonia risk
Despite their robust physical health and general optimism, a host of issues trouble young adults with depression
Research Activities, November 2007:
Postdischarge care management that integrates medical and social care can improve outcomes of the low-income elderly
Black and white caregivers of rural patients with dementia have different characteristics and coping styles
California Medicaid managed care plans would like to increase chronic disease care management programs
Research Activities, October 2007:
Three-fourths of low-income black women are dissatisfied with their body size 6 months after giving birth
Research Activities, September 2007:
Domestic violence victims have higher health care use and costs than other women, even long after the abuse has ended
Medicare Part D provides coverage protection for mental health-related drugs, but certain drugs still may not be covered
Research Activities, August 2007:
Patients infected with both HIV and hepatitis C virus lose more weight than those with only one of the infections
Research Activities, July 2007:
Patients suffering from arthritis or depression may have worse health-related quality of life than those with other chronic conditions
Research Activities, May 2007:
Older women who are depressed following breast cancer therapy are less likely to fully recover shoulder mobility
Research Activities, April 2007:
Moderate to severe depressive symptoms are poorly recognized in hospitalized patients with acute coronary syndrome
Research Activities, February 2007:
A small proportion of patients are prescribed a medication that can interact with the QT-prolonging medication they also take
Evidence is lacking to support many off-label uses of atypical antipsychotic drugs
Newer class of antidepressants is similar in effectiveness, but side effects differ
Research Activities, January 2007:
Antidepressants may increase children's and adolescents' risk of suicide attempts after hospitalization for depression
Depression worsens the health and quality of life of people with diabetes
New report finds little evidence to determine the usefulness of genetic tests in the treatment of depression
Research Activities, November 2006:
Depression among heart attack survivors can persist for a year after leaving the hospital
Faxed pharmacy alerts to doctors when patients miss their antidepressant prescription refill does not improve compliance
Research Activities, October 2006:
Elderly patients whose physicians are white or have urban practices are more likely to use antidepressants
Research Activities, August 2006:
Studies examine the prevalence, impact, and disclosure of domestic violence among women
Research Activities, July 2006:
Treatment of black adults with diabetes and depression insured through Medicaid raises quality concerns
Androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer causes only modest depression and other side effects
Research Activities, June 2006:
Antidepressant use doubled among adolescents from 1997 to 2002, with no change among children younger than 13 years
A year after leaving jail, half of women lack health insurance or use primary care
Half of postpartum depression cases are not recognized
Medicaid spending on outpatient drugs more than doubled in recent years
Research Activities, May 2006:
Improved recognition and treatment of emotional problems may indirectly improve the elderly's use of preventive care
Disadvantaged groups infected with hepatitis C can be effectively treated when health care providers collaborate
Research Activities, March 2006:
Minority children living in public housing are more likely to suffer from chronic health problems
Adding cognitive behavioral therapy to treatment plans reduces depressive symptoms among adolescents
Research Activities, February 2006:
Hospital type and location influence discharge disposition of adolescents hospitalized for suicide attempts
Patients who suffer from both diabetes and depression have a higher risk of dying
Light therapy appears to improve sleep, mood, and energy among women with nonseasonal depression
Research Activities, January 2006:
Cognitive behavioral therapy offers adolescents with depression some benefit over treatment with antidepressants alone
Research Activities, December 2005:
Studies examine barriers to self-management for patients with chronic illness and interventions that improve care
Research Activities, October 2005:
Two factors predict risk for suicide attempts in youths referred for emergency psychiatric hospitalization
Psychotherapy is not commonly used to treat older adults with depression
Research Activities, September 2005:
Improving physician knowledge of psychiatric problems and relevant medications could improve quality of care
Research Activities, August 2005:
Black and Hispanic mothers are much more likely than white mothers to suffer from early postpartum depression
Study explores physician job satisfaction and quality of care and outcomes for managed care patients with pain and depression
Research Activities, May 2005:
Researchers examine effects of quality improvement on depression care for adolescents and adults
Acupuncture appears promising for the treatment of depression during pregnancy
Research Activities, April 2005:
HIV-infected patients with severe depression or bipolar disorder often do not adhere to their medication regimens
Research Activities, March 2005:
Use of certain antidepressants may increase risk of hip fractures among older patients
Research Activities, January 2005:
Many chronic diseases and mental disorders that affect adults have their roots in childhood
Research Findings
Research Activities, October 2008:
Medical clinic structure influences use of mental health and substance abuse care by persons with HIV disease
Research Activities, April 2008:
Studies examine the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the South
Research Activities, August 2007:
Patients infected with both HIV and hepatitis C virus lose more weight than those with only one of the infections
Substance abuse and psychiatric illness account for the majority of hospital admissions among homeless veterans
Research Activities, October 2006:
Less than half of parents infected with HIV tell their children about the diagnosis
Research Activities, April 2005:
HIV-infected patients with severe depression or bipolar disorder often do not adhere to their medication regimens
Men's/Women's Health
Evidence Report/Technology Assessment, No. 119:
Perinatal Depression, Prevalence and Screening
Evidence Report/Technology Assessment, No. 135:
Eating Disorders, Management
Research Findings
Research Activities, December 2008:
Depression symptoms are similar in pregnant and nonpregnant women
Research Activities, October 2008:
Women sexually abused by partners have worse health than never abused women, even years after the abuse has stopped
Research Activities, September 2008:
Pregnant Latinas who experience intimate partner violence are more likely to be depressed or have PTSD
Women sexually abused by partners have worse health than never abused women, even years after the abuse has stopped
Research Activities, May 2008:
Antidepressant use during pregnancy is linked to increases in preterm birth and potentially serious infant perinatal problems
Noncancerous pelvic problems are linked to poor quality of life and sexual functioning for premenopausal women
Research Activities, April 2008:
Studies examine the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the South
Research Activities, January 2008:
Use of antidepressants by low-income pregnant women has jumped more than twofold, raising questions about fetal risks
Research Activities, October 2007:
Three-fourths of low-income black women are dissatisfied with their body size 6 months after giving birth
Research Activities, September 2007:
Domestic violence victims have higher health care use and costs than other women, even long after the abuse has ended
Research Activities, June 2007:
Information about health plans should be tailored to meet the diverse needs of people with disabilities
Research Activities, April 2007:
Gastrointestinal complaints in young women of low to normal weight may indicate possible eating disorders
Research Activities, March 2007:
Intimate partner abuse has no age limit
Dysthymia may contribute to the disparity in use of antiretroviral therapy between men and women
Research Activities, February 2007:
Some pregnant women are still prescribed medications with the potential to harm the fetus
Research Activities, October 2006:
Maternal psychological distress and infrequent use of seat belts are associated with children's low use of motor vehicle restraints
Research Activities, August 2006:
Studies examine the prevalence, impact, and disclosure of domestic violence among women
Research Activities, July 2006:
Androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer causes only modest depression and other side effects
Research Activities, June 2006:
Half of postpartum depression cases are not recognized
Research Activities, February 2006:
Light therapy appears to improve sleep, mood, and energy among women with nonseasonal depression
Research Activities, January 2006:
Patients refuse lung cancer treatment for complicated social and psychological reasons
Research Activities, November 2005:
Many pregnant women support abortion availability, but half would consider only a first-trimester procedure
Psychological distress increases the risk of angina in men
Research Activities, August 2005:
Black and Hispanic mothers are much more likely than white mothers to suffer from early postpartum depression
Supracervical and total abdominal hysterectomy result in similar sexual functioning and quality of life 2 years later
Research Activities, May 2005:
Acupuncture appears promising for the treatment of depression during pregnancy
Top of Page
Patterns of Usual Care for Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia PORT Treatment Recommendations
Comparative Effectiveness Review, No. 6: Efficacy and Comparative Effectiveness of Off-Label Use of Atypical Antipsychotics
Evidence Report/Technology Assessment, No. 116: Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Effects on Mental Health
Research Findings
News and Numbers
Date Title
10/30/08 One in Five Hospital Admissions are for Patients with Mental Disorders
Research Activities, September 2008:
Ten-day lapse in antipsychotic drug use is associated with an increased risk of hospitalization in patients with schizophrenia
Research Activities, June 2007:
Medication errors are common among patients in psychiatric hospitals
Research Activities, March 2007:
Higher-than-recommended doses of antipsychotic medications may not benefit people with schizophrenia and may increase side effects
Research Activities, February 2007:
Evidence is lacking to support many off-label uses of atypical antipsychotic drugs
Newer class of antidepressants is similar in effectiveness, but side effects differ
Research Activities, September 2005:
Improving physician knowledge of psychiatric problems and relevant medications could improve quality of care
Research Activities, April 2005:
Many Medicaid-insured schizophrenia patients are prescribed multiple long-term antipsychotics
Services Research
Compendium of Research Related to Mental Health
Programs and Tools to Improve the Quality of Mental Health Services
Evidence Report/Technology Assessment, No. 173:
Integration of Mental Health/Substance Abuse and Primary Care
Research Findings
Research Activities, April 2009:
Depression and substance abuse treatment hospitalizations declined for Medicare beneficiaries over a decade
Research Activities, February 2009:
Whites with poor mental health are more likely to seek treatment than blacks and Hispanics
Most office-based psychiatrists are providing medication rather than psychotherapy to their patients
Mental health counseling remains persistently low from adolescence into young adulthood
Research Activities, December 2008:
One in five hospital admissions are for patients with mental disorders
Research Activities, October 2008:
Medical clinic structure influences use of mental health and substance abuse care by persons with HIV disease
Research Activities, July 2008:
Emergency departments vary in their approach to psychiatric emergencies, underscoring the need for standards
Research Activities, November 2007:
AHRQ expands therapeutics education and research centers and adds new topics: Health IT, economics, and formularies
Palliative care study challenges assumptions about physician emotional involvement and communication with patients
Research Activities, September 2007:
The potency of laws equalizing coverage for mental health care varies between States
Medicare Part D provides coverage protection for mental health-related drugs, but certain drugs still may not be covered
Research Activities, October 2007:
Health literacy is not associated with how minorities perceive their physical or mental health status
Research Activities, August 2007:
How well dialysis patients view their current health at the start of hemodialysis is related to subsequent outcomes and utilization
Substance abuse and psychiatric illness account for the majority of hospital admissions among homeless veterans
Research Activities, July 2007:
Supportive housing may be a feasible and appropriate model of care for chronically homeless persons
Research Activities, May 2007:
A study of one managed behavioral health care organization does not show a shift in treatment costs to drugs and primary care
Transfer of health care funding from California State to counties maintained commitment to social service spending for the indigent
Research Activities, February 2007:
Primary care patients with pain and psychosocial problems benefit from nurse telephone calls
Research Activities, January 2007:
New report finds little evidence to determine the usefulness of genetic tests in the treatment of depression
Research Activities, December 2006:
Journal supplement reviews evidence for the efficacy of telemedicine and telecare
Research Activities, September 2006:
Health insurance coverage for mental health specialists is still lower than for other medical visits
Research Activities, May 2006
Researchers examine gender disparities in the quality of preventive care and management of heart disease and diabetes
Research Activities, March 2006
Adding cognitive behavioral therapy to treatment plans reduces depressive symptoms among adolescents
Research Activities, December 2005:
Psychiatric emergency services vary widely in hospital emergency departments
Research Activities, August 2005:
Study explores physician job satisfaction and quality of care and outcomes for managed care patients with pain and depression
Research Findings
Research Activities, December 2008:
Families of liver transplant recipients age 5 and older have higher stress levels than either families of younger liver transplant recipients or a control group
Research Activities, September 2008:
Pregnant Latinas who experience intimate partner violence are more likely to be depressed or have PTSD
Research Activities, August 2008:
Depression and burnout are problems among pediatric residents
Part-time doctors report less burnout, greater satisfaction, and more work control than full-time physicians
Research Activities, June 2008:
Telepsychiatrists and in-person therapists deliver similar therapy to veterans suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder
Research Activities, May 2008:
Telepsychiatry can help veterans with combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder
Research Activities, April 2008:
Studies examine the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the South
Life challenges, not discharge problems, cause repeat hospitalizations
Research Activities, March 2008:
Physicians say counseling and education would be useful in reducing their stress after medical errors occur
Research Activities, January 2008:
Informal caregiving for survivors of critical illness takes a toll on the health and lifestyle of caregivers
Research Activities, November 2007:
Black and white caregivers of rural patients with dementia have different characteristics and coping styles
Research Activities, September 2007:
Medications that relieve pain and anxiety in acute trauma patients hold promise for prevention of posttraumatic stress disorder
Intensive care nurses face noise, distractions, small workspace, and other obstacles to providing care to critically ill patients
Research Activities, March 2007:
Intimate partner abuse has no age limit
Older adults' psychological and health characteristics influence their use and timing of online health information searches
Research Activities, November 2006:
Increasing the time that nurses spend with nursing home residents is key to improving their job satisfaction
Research Activities, October 2006:
Maternal psychological distress and infrequent use of seat belts are associated with children's low use of motor vehicle restraints
Research Activities, August 2006:
Long work hours and family care-giving affect nurses' hospital performance
Research Activities, May 2006
Improved recognition and treatment of emotional problems may indirectly improve the elderly's use of preventive care
Research Activities, September 2005:
Events surrounding a serious injury affect the likelihood that an adolescent will suffer from long-term post traumatic stress disorder
Research Activities, August 2005:
Diagnostic test information often reassures patients who have chest pain suggestive of coronary artery disease
Substance Abuse/Addiction
Evidence Report/Technology Assessment, No. 173:
Integration of Mental Health/Substance Abuse and Primary Care
Evidence Report/Technology Assessment, No. 3:
Pharamacotherapy for Alcohol Dependence
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Recommendations:
Screening for Alcohol Misuse
Research Findings
Research Activities, April 2009:
Nearly a fifth of elderly patients are readmitted after a hospital stay for psychiatric care
Depression and substance abuse treatment hospitalizations declined for Medicare beneficiaries over a decade
Research Activities, November 2008:
Screening for alcohol misuse among emergency department patients may uncover depression
Research Activities, October 2008:
Medical clinic structure influences use of mental health and substance abuse care by persons with HIV disease
Research Activities, April 2008:
Life challenges, not discharge problems, cause repeat hospitalizations
Research Activities, March 2008:
Physicians say counseling and education would be useful in reducing their stress after medical errors occur
Research Activities, January 2008:
Intervention programs that focus on already violent youth are more effective than other programs for reducing violent behavior
Research Activities, October 2007:
Researchers examine link between trauma and alcohol problems as well as cardiovascular risk factors among American Indians
Research Activities, August 2007:
Location of shelters and other assistance programs impacts the incidence of violence against homeless women
Substance abuse and psychiatric illness account for the majority of hospital admissions among homeless veterans
Research Activities, July 2007:
Today's teen smokers are more likely to engage in risky behaviors than teens who smoked in the early nineties
Supportive housing may be a feasible and appropriate model of care for chronically homeless persons
Research Activities, May 2007:
Emergency physicians ask over half of female patients if they smoke, but don't counsel or advise them to quit
A study of one managed behavioral health care organization does not show a shift in treatment costs to drugs and primary care
Research Activities, April 2007:
One in four hospital patients is admitted with a mental health or substance abuse disorder
Research Activities, February 2007:
Primary care patients with pain and psychosocial problems benefit from nurse telephone calls
Research Activities, September 2006:
Health insurance coverage for mental health specialists is still lower than for other medical visits
Research Activities, June 2006:
A year after leaving jail, half of women lack health insurance or use primary care
Disadvantaged groups infected with hepatitis C can be effectively treated when health care providers collaborate
Research Activities, April 2006
Wisconsin study finds hundreds of hospitalizations for self-poisonings among 12- to 17-year-olds
Research Activities, March 2006
Inmates who are released from prison often join the ranks of the homeless
Research Activities, September 2005:
Acculturation plays a pivotal role in the health status and behaviors of Latinos in the United States
Research Activities, April 2005:
Medication use boosted treatment rates for mental health and substance abuse disorders in 2001 compared with 1996
Research Activities, January 2005:
Many chronic diseases and mental disorders that affect adults have their roots in childhood
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