sábado, 15 de enero de 2011

EGAPP|Recommendations|Breast Cancer

EGAPP Working Group Recommendation
Can tumor gene expression profiling improve outcomes in patients with breast cancer?

The expression of specific genes within breast tumor cells has been found to be associated with the chance of disease recurrence. Several gene expression profiles (GEP) are clinically available that provide variations on “recurrence risk scores” intended to help doctors and their patients in treatment decision-making. Determination of breast cancer GEP recurrence risk scores has been proposed as a means to identify those women most likely to benefit from chemotherapy.

EGAPP Recommendation Statement: The EGAPP™ Working Group found insufficient evidence to make a recommendation for or against the use of tumor gene expression profiles to improve outcomes in defined populations of women with breast cancer. For one test, the EWG found preliminary evidence of potential benefit of testing results to some women who face decisions about treatment options (reduced adverse events due to low risk women avoiding chemotherapy), but could not rule out the potential for harm for others (breast cancer recurrence that might have been prevented). The evidence is insufficient to assess the balance of benefits and harms of the proposed uses of the tests. The EWG encourages further development and evaluation of these technologies.

EGAPP|Recommendations|Breast Cancer

▲ EGAPP Recommendation PDF icon (PDF 455KB) (January 2009)

▲▲ Evidence Report external link (January 2008)
Impact of Gene Expression Profiling Tests on Breast Cancer Outcomes: Structured Abstract
Impact of Gene Expression Profiling Tests on Breast Cancer Outcomes: Structured Abstract

► Summary Manuscript external link (March 2008)
Systematic review: gene expression profiling assay... [Ann Intern Med. 2008] - PubMed result

►►CDC Summary of EGAPP Recommendation external link (August 2010)
Genomics|Genetic Testing|EGAPP Recommendations|Gene Expression Profiling

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