sábado, 17 de octubre de 2020

NOT-OD-20-122: Guidance for Applicants Preparing Applications for the Fall 2020 Due Dates During the COVID-19 Pandemic

NOT-OD-20-122: Guidance for Applicants Preparing Applications for the Fall 2020 Due Dates During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Temporary Changes to NIH Policies Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic

If you are submitting a grant application to NIH for the current review cycle, you should be aware of a few policy changes that have been implemented in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The policies relate to peer review considerations and post-submission materials.
  • Applicants are instructed not to include and reviewers are instructed not to consider contingency plans related to temporary, emergency situations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. See NOT-OD-20-122.
  • Applicants will be able to provide a one-page summary of additional preliminary data as post-submission material up to 30 days before the review meeting. See NOT-OD-20-163.
For more information about the peer review process during the COVID-19 pandemic, please see:

If you have any additional questions after reviewing these temporary policies, please feel free to send an email to: nccihderinquiries@mail.nih.gov.

Update on the NIH Science of Behavior Change Common Fund Program

The NIH Science of Behavior Change program was established with two major long-term goals: 1) to promote a systematic approach to discovering the mechanisms underlying successful behavior change, and 2) to provide blueprints for developing behavior interventions that could reliably improve health outcomes. We are excited to be co-funding another five years of the SOBC Resource and Coordinating Center. (NIH co-funders are NIA, NCATS, NCCIH, NICHD, NIDA, NIDCR, and OBSSR.)

In celebration of the program’s 10 years of Common Fund support, we are pleased to announce the SOBC Common Fund Program’s Capstone Conference, to be held remotely Feb. 22-23, 2021. The conference will feature SOBC science advances and accomplishments, highlight innovative examples of mechanisms-focused behavior change science, and bring together experts from around the world to discuss future opportunities for strengthening the field. Visit the meeting website for more information about the agenda. Registration and other details will be available on this website in the coming months, and registration is free and open to the public

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