domingo, 25 de octubre de 2020
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miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2020
Debido a las restricciones impuestas por la corporación Google, que merecen nuestro repudio, este blog no se volverá a editar. Gracias por vuestra comprensión. Octubre de 2020.
Gracias por casi trece años de seguimiento.
martes, 20 de octubre de 2020
lunes, 19 de octubre de 2020
definitivamente se prohibe la edición en Google... todo se ha vuelto lamentable e indudablemente parte de la discrecionalidad de la corporación para con los contenidos que intentan evitar se conozcan por este medio... Google demostró su intención en 2019 al hacer desaparecer Google+ y hace lo propio en octubre de 2020 con los Blog´s... seguramente siguiendo un criterio de censura y de destrucción de la propiedad intelectual así como del derecho creativo inherente al ser humano... esta conducta refleja la iniciativa nazi-sionista que envuelve a todo el planeta Tierra y que ha transformado al mundo en un campo de concentración semejante al ghetto de Varsovia... lo que sigue no será bueno... y lo que venga, tampoco... cuando un puñado de idiotas se apropia del futuro de la humanidad, el único resultado posible es la tragedia, cursó con el holocausto y está siendo transitado por estas horas. Triste. el editor. Octubre 19, 2020.-
India went past peak in September, Covid may run its course by February: Govt panel | India News,The Indian Express
India went past peak in September, Covid may run its course by February: Govt panel | India News,The Indian Express
India went past peak in September, Covid may run its course by February: Govt panel
A government-appointed committee of scientists said that their modelling exercise had also shown that the lockdown, particularly its timing in the third week of March, had a significant impact in slowing the spread of the disease, and preventing coronavirus-related deaths.
Written by Amitabh Sinha | Pune | Updated: October 19, 2020 11:12:01 am
domingo, 18 de octubre de 2020
Breast Cancer awareness month 2020: Are you carrying it because of your genes? | Lifestyle News,The Indian Express
Breast Cancer awareness month 2020: Are you carrying it because of your genes? | Lifestyle News,The Indian Express
Breast Cancer awareness month 2020: Are you carrying it because of your genes?
OCTOBER 18, 2020 1:30:48 PM
Five to 10 per cent of breast cancer cases are known to be hereditary, says Dr Niti Raizada of Fortis Cancer Institute, Bangalore
As the coronavirus surges, a new culprit emerges: Pandemic fatigue | World News,The Indian Express
As the coronavirus surges, a new culprit emerges: Pandemic fatigue | World News,The Indian Express
As the coronavirus surges, a new culprit emerges: Pandemic fatigue
The virus has taken different paths in countries as leaders have tried to tamp down the spread with a range of restrictions. Shared, though, is a public weariness and a growing tendency to risk the dangers of the coronavirus, out of desire or necessity
A town in Italy has only two residents, but they are following all COVID-19 safety protocols | Lifestyle News,The Indian Express
A town in Italy has only two residents, but they are following all COVID-19 safety protocols | Lifestyle News,The Indian Express
A town in Italy has only two residents, but they are following all COVID-19 safety protocols
The elderly retirees are not taking any chances, despite the fact that they have no neighbours and that they seldom leave the town anyway
Hope of COVID-19 vaccine deployment in UK by New Year: Report | World News,The Indian Express
Hope of COVID-19 vaccine deployment in UK by New Year: Report | World News,The Indian Express
Hope of COVID-19 vaccine deployment in UK by New Year: Report
In India, the vaccine has a Serum Institute of India tie-up as it undergoes trials.
Explained: Reasons for post-COVID-19 associated hearing loss | Explained News,The Indian Express
Explained: Reasons for post-COVID-19 associated hearing loss | Explained News,The Indian Express
Explained: Reasons for post-COVID-19 associated hearing loss
October 18, 2020 10:12 am
A recent study published in BMJ Case Reports, conducted by researchers from University College London and the Royal National Throat Nose and Ear Hospital in the UK, says COVID-19 may affect the hearing of some patients. What does the study say?
Quixplained: How long can coronavirus survive on surfaces? | Explained News,The Indian Express
Quixplained: How long can coronavirus survive on surfaces? | Explained News,The Indian Express
Quixplained: How long can coronavirus survive on surfaces?
October 18, 2020 12:20 pm
Findings from the study by Australia’s national science agency, CSIRO, appear to show that in a very controlled environment the virus remained infectious for longer than other studies have found.
Explained: Why the risk of catching Covid-19 on a plane is low, as per a new study | Explained News,The Indian Express
Explained: Why the risk of catching Covid-19 on a plane is low, as per a new study | Explained News,The Indian Express
Explained: Why the risk of catching Covid-19 on a plane is low, as per a new study
October 18, 2020 5:28 pm
According to the International Air Transport Association, globally, in 44 Covid-19 cases, transmission is believed to have taken place on an airplane, during a time when 1.2 billion passengers have travelled.
Covid-19 has peaked in India, says govt panel | India News,The Indian Express
Covid-19 has peaked in India, says govt panel | India News,The Indian Express
Covid-19 has peaked in India, says govt panel
OCTOBER 18, 2020 4:12:57 PM
The committee claimed that the lockdown imposed in March has had a powerful impact on slowing down the spread of the disease in the country. However, further lockdowns are “undesirable”, the committee has recommended since they are unlikely to have any significant impact.
Pollution may increase virus transmissibility making people more vulnerable to COVID-19, say experts | India News,The Indian Express
Pollution may increase virus transmissibility making people more vulnerable to COVID-19, say experts | India News,The Indian Express
Pollution may increase virus transmissibility making people more vulnerable to COVID-19, say experts
OCTOBER 18, 2020 4:37:55 PM
With winters approaching and easing of the coronavirus-induced lockdown, Delhi-NCR is bracing for months of poor air quality. The national capital's air quality was in the 'poor' category on Sunday morning.
sábado, 17 de octubre de 2020
Heart Disease and Stroke |
Heart Disease and Stroke |

Thank You for celebrating National Women's Blood Pressure Awareness Week!
National Women's Blood Pressure Awareness Week ends today.
Share what you have learned this week using the hashtag #NWBPAW
Your personal story can help others take action to improve their heart health. As you work to meet your heart health goals, share what you are doing to motivate others.
Your story may save lives!
NCCIH Workshop 2020: Exploring the Mechanisms Underlying Analgesic Properties of Minor Cannabinoids and Terpenes | NCCIH
NCCIH Workshop 2020: Exploring the Mechanisms Underlying Analgesic Properties of Minor Cannabinoids and Terpenes | NCCIH
Upcoming Events
NCCIH Workshop 2020: Exploring the Mechanisms Underlying Analgesic Properties of Minor Cannabinoids and Terpenes
October 23, 2020 from 9:45 a.m. ET to 3:00 p.m. ET; Videocast
The overall goals of this workshop are two fold—one is to convene principal investigators funded by NCCIH on the topic of the analgesic properties of minor cannabinoids and terpenes from natural products and the underlying mechanisms; and the other is to discuss current research barriers and opportunities on this topic. Register now.
NOT-OD-20-122: Guidance for Applicants Preparing Applications for the Fall 2020 Due Dates During the COVID-19 Pandemic
NOT-OD-20-122: Guidance for Applicants Preparing Applications for the Fall 2020 Due Dates During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Temporary Changes to NIH Policies Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic
If you are submitting a grant application to NIH for the current review cycle, you should be aware of a few policy changes that have been implemented in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The policies relate to peer review considerations and post-submission materials.
- Applicants are instructed not to include and reviewers are instructed not to consider contingency plans related to temporary, emergency situations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. See NOT-OD-20-122.
- Applicants will be able to provide a one-page summary of additional preliminary data as post-submission material up to 30 days before the review meeting. See NOT-OD-20-163.
For more information about the peer review process during the COVID-19 pandemic, please see:
If you have any additional questions after reviewing these temporary policies, please feel free to send an email to:
Update on the NIH Science of Behavior Change Common Fund Program
The NIH Science of Behavior Change program was established with two major long-term goals: 1) to promote a systematic approach to discovering the mechanisms underlying successful behavior change, and 2) to provide blueprints for developing behavior interventions that could reliably improve health outcomes. We are excited to be co-funding another five years of the SOBC Resource and Coordinating Center. (NIH co-funders are NIA, NCATS, NCCIH, NICHD, NIDA, NIDCR, and OBSSR.)
In celebration of the program’s 10 years of Common Fund support, we are pleased to announce the SOBC Common Fund Program’s Capstone Conference, to be held remotely Feb. 22-23, 2021. The conference will feature SOBC science advances and accomplishments, highlight innovative examples of mechanisms-focused behavior change science, and bring together experts from around the world to discuss future opportunities for strengthening the field. Visit the meeting website for more information about the agenda. Registration and other details will be available on this website in the coming months, and registration is free and open to the public
Funding Opportunities | NCCIH
Study Provides New Insights Into Changes in Brain Function in Fibromyalgia | NCCIH
Study Provides New Insights Into Changes in Brain Function in Fibromyalgia | NCCIH

Study Provides New Insights Into Changes in Brain Function in Fibromyalgia
Pain at the time of testing, rather than the presence of a chronic pain condition, is primarily responsible for changes in the functioning of the brain’s default mode network in patients with fibromyalgia, according to the results of a study recently published in the journal NeuroImage. The study, conducted at the National Institutes of Health and McGill University, was partly funded by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health’s intramural research program.
Comparing the Neural Effects of Placebo Pain Relief in Fibromyalgia Patients and Healthy Individuals | NCCIH
Comparing the Neural Effects of Placebo Pain Relief in Fibromyalgia Patients and Healthy Individuals | NCCIH

Comparing the Neural Effects of Placebo Pain Relief in Fibromyalgia Patients and Healthy Individuals
Although fibromyalgia is associated with changes in brain function and neural pathways, researchers saw no differences in responses to placebo pain relief between fibromyalgia patients and healthy volunteers in a new study. This research, funded by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), was recently published in the journal Pain.
Study Explores Relationship Between Pain and Cognitive Impairment | NCCIH
Study Explores Relationship Between Pain and Cognitive Impairment | NCCIH

Study Explores Relationship Between Pain and Cognitive Impairment
A recent study exploring the association between pain and cognitive impairment (CI) found that pain and CI each increase the severity of the other; that is, when pain progresses from acute pain to high impact chronic pain (HICP), the severity of CI increases, and as the severity of CI increases, the severity of pain increases. Further, the study found that people with comorbid chronic pain and CI are in a much higher state of self-reported disability than people with either alone. The study, published in a recent issue of The Clinical Journal of Pain, was supported by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
PIEZO2 Ion Channel Critical mediator of Urinary Tract Function | NCCIH
PIEZO2 Ion Channel Critical mediator of Urinary Tract Function | NCCIH

PIEZO2 Ion Channel Critical Mediator of Urinary Tract Function
New research in has uncovered the mechanisms by which bladder stretch is sensed and the urethral reflexes involved in urination are controlled. The findings pinpoint the gene PIEZO2 as a key mechanosensor for interoception, which is the sensory regulation and awareness of what’s happening inside our bodies. The research, conducted jointly by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, and the Scripps Research Institute was published in a recent issue of the journal Nature.
Scientific Meeting on Cannabinoids and Terpenes October 23 | NCCIH
Scientific Meeting on Cannabinoids and Terpenes October 23 | NCCIH
Scientific Meeting on Cannabinoids and Terpenes October 23October 9, 2020 David Shurtleff, Ph.D. Inna Belfer, M.D., Ph.D. Recently, Dr. Helene Langevin, Director of NCCIH, posted a message about an upcoming, all-virtual event, NCCIH Workshop 2020: Exploring the Mechanisms Underlying Analgesic Properties of Minor Cannabinoids and Terpenes. If you are a scientist or potential grant applicant in the field of natural products, especially this group of products, we hope you’ll consider attending. |
Join the Live with Leadership Conversations: Oct. 19 & 20 – Ending the HIV Epidemic |
Join the Live with Leadership Conversations: Oct. 19 & 20 – Ending the HIV Epidemic |

Join the Live with Leadership Conversations: Oct. 19 & 20 – Ending the HIV Epidemic | ||
On October 19th and 20th, Harold Phillips with the HHS Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy (OIDP) will facilitate Live with Leadership events with key HHS and community leaders about current and planned activities to further the Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America (EHE) initiative. These events are happening during the U.S. Conference on HIV/AIDS (USCHA) and are open to everyone. | ||
Coronavirus Clinical Studies | COVID-19 Prevention Network
Coronavirus Clinical Studies | COVID-19 Prevention Network
COVID-19 Resources
The HHS Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have released guidance on Pregnancy, Breastfeeding and Caring for Newborns during the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 Prevention Network series, COVID in Black, is now available on their Facebook page. Episodes address the importance of increasing awareness and knowledge about COVID-19 clinical trials and the impact of COVID-19 on the Black community. The Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) Network and the Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) Network have compiled ATTC Network COVID-19 Response Resources and Pandemic Response Resources that address the intersection of COVID-19 and substance abuse. The PTTC has also made available a recorded version of their An Ecological Snapshot of Racial Inequity webinar. The Kaiser Family Foundation has published an issue brief: Lower Flu Vaccination Rates Among Black, Hispanic, and Low-Income Seniors Suggest Challenges for COVID-19 Vaccination Efforts. |
Faces of Mental Health: Celebrating Breast Cancer Awareness Month Tickets, Tue, Oct 20, 2020 at 6:30 PM | Eventbrite
Faces of Mental Health: Celebrating Breast Cancer Awareness Month Tickets, Tue, Oct 20, 2020 at 6:30 PM | Eventbrite

Events and Opportunities
Faces of Mental Health: Celebrating Breast Cancer Awareness MonthOctober 20, 2020 at 6:30 - 8:30 PM ET Register
Understanding the Dynamics and Tactics of IPV through the Lens of Indigenous Survivors October 21, 2020 at 3:00 - 4:30 PM ET Register
Equitable Distribution and Uptake of COVID-19 Remedies and Resources
October 22, 2020 at 2:00 PM ET Learn More Register
How Can I Manage My Increased Risk of Breast Cancer?October 28, 2020 at 12:00 noon - 1:00 PM ET Register
Registration is open for the Latinas and Breast Cancer in the Age of COVID-19 Forum October 30, 2020 at 12 noon - 3:00 PM ET Learn More Register
Understanding the Dynamics and Tactics of IPV through the Lens of Indigenous Survivors October 21, 2020 at 3:00 - 4:30 PM ET Register
Equitable Distribution and Uptake of COVID-19 Remedies and Resources
October 22, 2020 at 2:00 PM ET Learn More Register
How Can I Manage My Increased Risk of Breast Cancer?October 28, 2020 at 12:00 noon - 1:00 PM ET Register
Registration is open for the Latinas and Breast Cancer in the Age of COVID-19 Forum October 30, 2020 at 12 noon - 3:00 PM ET Learn More Register
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