sábado, 6 de junio de 2020

Scientists’ worlds will shrink in the wake of the pandemic

Scientists’ worlds will shrink in the wake of the pandemic

Cartoon showing a person with suitcase with a plane and globe icon next to a person using a computer with camera and globe icon

Illustration by The Project Twins

Scientists’ worlds will shrink

The pandemic has forced researchers to grapple with how restrictions on their movement will affect the way science is conducted. Some fear that these limitations could lead to a world that favours elite scientists and established teams with less need to network, while other groups lose collaborators and become marginalized, and that fieldwork will become a luxury. Or, the opposite could turn out to be true: travel restrictions could help to democratize science, if virtual working allows access to more connections for people who cannot easily travel.
Nature | 6 min read

Read more in our series on science after the pandemic:

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