lunes, 16 de marzo de 2020

If You Get Referred to a Hematologist for Testing

Making a Difference Across the Lifespan

If You Get Referred to a Hematologist for Testing

Medical testing to determine if a woman or girl has a bleeding disorder can be complex, and the process can be confusing for the person undergoing the testing. The Better You Know tools and resources below can help women and girls better understand medical testing that might be done and track tests performed and their results.
Medical Testing Booklet
The Medical Testing Booklet – What Women and Girls Should Know About Getting Tested for Bleeding Symptoms booklet provides information about the different types of physical exams and laboratory tests that may be done while being assessed for a bleeding disorder. The booklet explains why these tests are important and what information they provide about one’s body.
Lab Test Log
The Lab Test Log can help women and girls track the types of laboratory tests ordered by healthcare providers when determining if they have a bleeding disorder. 

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