sábado, 22 de diciembre de 2018

NLM Announcements

National Library of Medicine

12/21/2018 12:23 PM EST

The National Network of Libraries of Medicine is pleased to announce open registration for the third cohort of Bioinformatics and Biology Essentials for Librarians: Databases, Tools, and Clinical Applications. This course is designed both for librarians who offer, or intend to offer, bioinformatics services; and also for librarians who use bioinformatics information on a periodic or irregular basis to serve their patrons.
12/21/2018 11:00 AM EST

Recipe books from the 18th century hold a combination of food recipes, herbal remedies, and other such household creations thought to improve health. Powell's "ginger bread" recipe includes ingredients easily found in today's grocery store and provides measures still in use today.

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