jueves, 2 de marzo de 2017

Sitting by the Fireside: African American History, Women’s History, and Food | Circulating Now

Sitting by the Fireside: African American History, Women’s History, and Food | Circulating Now

National Institutes of Health, U.S. National Library of Medicine

03/01/2017 11:00 AM EST

Circulating Now welcomes guest blogger, Psyche Williams-Forson, PhD. Dr. Williams-Forson is an associate professor and chair, Department of American Studies, University of Maryland-College Park and the guest curator of NLM’s exhibition, Fire and Freedom: Food and Enslavement in Early America. Leaving the month of February, when we celebrate Black History Month, and entering March, when […]
03/01/2017 10:36 AM EST

PubMed subject filter strategies are reviewed each year to determine if modifications are necessary.
03/01/2017 09:26 AM EST

The NLM Catalog left sidebar facets will be updated soon to improve users' ability to combine filters when searching.
03/01/2017 12:16 AM EST

MedlinePlus: Vitamin D Deficiency
03/01/2017 12:15 AM EST

MedlinePlus: How to Prevent High Blood Pressure
03/01/2017 12:15 AM EST

MedlinePlus: Heart Health Tests

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