sábado, 11 de febrero de 2017

NCEZID Accomplishments 2016 | What We Do | NCEZID | CDC

NCEZID Accomplishments 2016 | What We Do | NCEZID | CDC

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC twenty four seven. Saving Lives, Protecting People

NCEZID Accomplishments 2016

 Cover of the Top 10 NCEZID 2016 Accomplishments

Number 1: Leading the response to the outbreak of Zika
Number 2: Transforming the nation’s fight against antibiotic resistance
Number 3: Hunting for—and finding—emerging and dangerous infectious threats
Number 4: Applying new technologies to advance disease detection
Number 5: Giving more assistance and resources to states than ever before
Number 6: Improving healthcare
Number 7: Making food safer to eat
Number 8: Responding to outbreaks
Number 9: Targeting infectious disease work across the globe
Number 10: Scoring victories against deadly infections

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