sábado, 4 de febrero de 2017

Diagnostic Pathology | Home page

Diagnostic Pathology | Home page

Biomed Central

Diagnostic Pathology

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Editor's quote

"Diagnostic Pathology has emerged as a premier journal that aims to publish cutting edge articles focused on diagnostic pathology with an emphasis on novel morphological and molecular findings that make an impact on diagnosis of neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases. The goal of the editorial board and our team is to highlight the cross-roads of diagnostic pathology and new tools and technologies that are exciting, challenging and making an impact on the practice of pathology. We will continue to bring updates in the field of diagnostic pathology by way of novel and interesting case reports, research and original articles and a series of key review articles by experts in the field that will emphasize the new developments which are disease-specific and highlight contemporary and novel technologies that are changing the practice of diagnostic pathology. This is an exciting time in pathology as we are confronted with a new frontier of science and technology which continues to evolve and accelerate the discipline of diagnostic pathology and we wish to take our readers with us on this exciting journey. We want to collaborate with our reviewers and our readers to make Diagnostic Pathology a premier and trusted source of new and exciting developments in the field of diagnostic pathology."

Anil Parwani, Editor-in-Chief, Diagnostic Pathology

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