NCHHSTP AtlasPlus Released: The latest CDC surveillance data on HIV, viral hepatitis, STDs, and TB
The CDC has released AtlasPlus, a tool that gives users the ability to create tables, maps, and charts using over 15 years of HIV, viral hepatitis, STD, and TB surveillance data. AtlasPlus offers significant upgrades from the original version of Atlas including:
Key features:
- Easy, quick access to the latest data by county, state, or U.S. total;
- 2015 data for HIV, STDs, and TB; 2014 data for viral hepatitis;
- An upgrade to the Tables function (Based on user feedback, we made it more intuitive to build tables based on the exact subset of the data you want to view.);
- Improved chart capabilities such as line graphs by year, bar charts by states or counties, pie charts for sex, bar charts for age, race/ethnicity, transmission category (HIV), country of birth (TB);
- New ability to create two side-by-side maps or charts, e.g., compare two diseases, two race/ethnicity groups, or two age groups; and
- Mobile access.
For more information, see our What’s New webpage and visit the new AtlasPlus application!
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