A Year in Review: 2015
As 2015 ends and the era of the Sustainable Development Goals begins, we share some key global health events, milestones, and highlights from the past 12 months of our efforts at the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to end preventable child and maternal deaths (EPCMD), create an AIDS-free generation, and protect communities from infectious diseases, all in support of a healthful world free of extreme poverty.
Click on a topic to learn more, or view the complete Year in Review.
1. 2015 Call to Action Summit for Ending Preventable Child and Maternal Deaths. Since 2008, USAID’s efforts have averted the deaths of nearly 2.5 million children and 200,000 women.
2. Ebola: The Road to Zero. USAID is committed to ending the Ebola epidemic, supporting the restoration of essential care services, and strengthening health systems to prevent future outbreaks from becoming epidemics.
3. The President’s Malaria Initiative: A Six-Year Strategy to Reduce Malaria Mortality. The year 2015 marks a decade of USAID’s leadership of the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI).
4. Newborn Survival: Giving All Newborns a Chance to Survive and Thrive. USAID emphasizes the prevention and management of leading causes of newborn mortality, including preterm birth complications and serious infections.
5. 50 Years of Family Planning Assistance. 2015 marks 50 years of the U.S. Government’s involvement in family planning programs worldwide, and more women than ever before currently use some form of modern contraception.
6. Saving Mothers, Giving Life Partnership Cuts Maternal Mortality in Half. The partnership announced remarkable mid-initiative results in October: rates of maternal mortality were reduced by nearly 50 percent in target facilities in Uganda and Zambia.
7. U.S. Pledges $1 Billion to Help Immunize 300 Million More Children. The U.S. Government’s historic pledge to Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, was announced in January.
8. $12 Billion Mobilized through the Global Financing Facility. At the Financing for Development Conference in July, USAID joined international partners to support four African countries through the Global Financing Facility in EPCMD efforts.
9. Building Strong, Resilient Health Systems. In Ebola-affected countries, USAID continues to work toward strong, resilient, sustainable health systems. USAID’s Vision for Health Systems Strengthening was released in October.
10. Tuberculosis: The World’s Deadliest Infectious Disease. Deaths attributable to tuberculosis, the world’s deadliest disease as of this year, have been reduced by nearly half since 1990. With two important strategies released in 2015, the U.S. Government remains committed to stopping this deadly disease.
11. An Agenda for Global Health Security. In July, the U.S. Government announced an investment of more than $1 billion to help prevent, detect, and respond to infectious disease threats in 30 countries worldwide.
12. World AIDS Day 2015: The Time to Act Is Now. On December 1, USAID and the world celebrated World AIDS Day and the progress and challenges that remain in the fight against HIV and AIDS.
13. Improving Nutrition for Women and Young Children. USAID supports the 2014–2025 Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Strategy with implementation guidelines directed toward the goal of a 20 percent reduction in stunting by 2020.
14. Ensuring Respectful Maternity Care. USAID recognizes respectful maternity care as a priority for ending preventable maternal deaths and joins international partners in promoting respectful care.
15. Improving Health Outcomes through Implementation Research and Delivery Science. USAID and partners work to expand the field of Implementation research and delivery science to support the scale-up of lifesaving interventions and improve health outcomes.
The year 2015 was one of many global health triumphs and challenges, and USAID will continue to work in 2016 toward our goal of eliminating extreme poverty and helping communities realize their full potential.
Photo credit: Thomas Cristofoletti/USAID
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