martes, 14 de julio de 2015

Webcast: Responding to Suicide Clusters on College Campuses

Webcast: Responding to Suicide Clusters on College Campuses

Webcast: Responding to Suicide Clusters on College Campuses
August 20, 2015 | 1:30–5 p.m. Eastern Time
SAMHSA and the JED Foundation invite you to join the upcoming, two-part web conference, "Responding to Suicide Clusters on College Campuses."
Participants will learn from experts in suicide prevention and college-focused mental health about our current understanding of suicide clusters on college campuses and in other settings.
Presenters will discuss the epidemiology and demographics of suicide clusters; what we know about settings in which clusters are more likely to occur; and how to reduce the risk of "contagion" through effective communication, intervention, and postvention both on campus and off campus.
A panel of clinicians who have experienced suicide clusters on their campuses (or have worked with campuses that have had clusters) will discuss their experiences and lessons learned about managing a campus response to a cluster; planning for postvention after a cluster; and handling communication and media reporting.

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