jueves, 2 de julio de 2015

NCTR Publications > NCTR Research Highlights

NCTR Publications > NCTR Research Highlights

National Center for Toxicological Researh log with FDA on left side

Current Highlight from June 26, 2015

Fructose Alters Glucose Metabolism in Human Adipocytes
Scientists from FDA's NCTR, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, University of Ulm, and Nestle Institute of Health Sciences have shown that when human adipocytes (fat cells) are exposed to dietary carbohydrates such as fructose and glucose; not only does fructose lead to the generation and accumulation of fatty acids in these cells, but it also alters the pathways by which glucose is metabolized (broken down) or used for energy storage and production.  Using stable isotope methods, this study examined human fat cells that were exposed to glucose at normal blood concentrations and fructose over a range of concentrations equivalent to that reported in blood after consuming fructose.  The fructose-induced changes can cause imbalances in fat cell metabolism that could contribute to the development of obesity.  These results suggest the need for further in vivo studies to explore the effects of fructose intake on fat accumulation in humans and to better understand the metabolism of carbohydrate and fat in health and disease processes.  This study is now available online at Metabolites.
For additional information, please contact Vijayalakshmi Varma, Ph.D.,  or Richard Beger, Ph.D., Director, Biomarkers and Alternative Models Branch, Division of Systems Biology, FDA/NCTR.
Josef Warkany Award and Lecture
William Slikker, Jr., Ph.D., Director, National Center for Toxicological Reserach, presented the 2015 Josef Warkany Lecture at the 55th Annual Meeting of The Teratology Society.  The award recognizes a scientist who has significantly contributed to the field of teratology over their career.  Dr. Slikker’s multiple contributions include his work on placental transfer of compounds, fetal metabolism of compounds and the fate of those metabolites, and the long-term effects of perinatal exposures. 
Nanotechnology Symposium
Anil Patri, Ph.D., Director, NCTR-ORA Nanotechnology Core Facility, and Professor Mansoor Amiji of Northeastern University co-chaired the Cancer Nanotechnology Symposium.  The symposium is held annually at TechConnect World Meeting in Washington DC, and features invited speakers working on cancer research using nanomaterial and a poster session. 
For additional information:  TechConnect World Innovation Conference and Expo.

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