lunes, 20 de julio de 2015

MedBr First to Know 7/20/2015

Medical Breakthroughs: First to Know

Is Anything Getting Us Closer to a Cure for Alzheimer’s?

     This week I will be attending the annual international conference for the Alzheimer’s Association and there will be at least 4000 researchers trying to answer that question. Click here to read more about the conference. As far as we seem to be from a “cure” I am always optimistic when I hear these passionate scientists who are devoting their lives to making our futures better. Another positive development is that Paul and Jody Allen have donated an additional $7 million to their Seattle-based Allen Institute for Brain Science, which focuses on basic brain biology. But the goal with this gift is to fund the Allen Distinguished Investigator grants to catalyze breakthroughs in Alzheimer’s research by funding ideas considered too edgy for traditional funders. (SRB, put link to article o Allen here somewhere)

 Watch our Medical Headline Videos:
  •      Bellybuttons are not something I have given a lot of thought to but that doesn’t mean they aren’t important. Dr Matthew Schulman, MD, New York Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, is an expert when it comes to turning outies into innies and it only takes about 30 minutes.
  •      Dr Amita Patnaik, MD, Associate Director of Clinical Research at the START Center in San Antonio is using a new drug calledKeytruda to treat lung cancer and says, “It truly is a transformative treatment.”
  •      Dr Peter Nagele, MD, MSC, Anesthesiologist and Dr Charles Conway, PhD, MD, Psychiatrist , both at Washington University in St Louis are using laughing gas to treat people with severe medication-resistant depression. They say the effects of nitrous oxide resemble that of anti-depressants.
     Our three part series for July is “Sleep Problems Put to Rest” and anyone with babies will want to watch it for sure.

 In case you missed them, you may want to check our past reports, Premium Content in Archives Premium Content in ArchivesCan Your Own Stem Cells Cure You? Premium Content in ArchivesSunscreen Confusion May Burn Shoppers. Premium Content in the Archives may be purchased for as little as $9 for 24-hour, unlimited access. If you would like to access Premium Content for the first time click here.
And there's more where that came from...

President, Ivanhoe Broadcast News

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