International Childhood Cancer Awareness Day (ICCD 2015)‘Balancing Personal Data Protection and Research Progress: The Case of Childhood Cancer’
3rd February 2015, 10:30 – 12:30
European Parliament (room P7C050), Brussels, Belgium
Hosted by MEP Glenis Willmott
Every year SIOPE marks the important date of International Childhood Cancer Day (15th February) by organising an influential event at the European Parliament.
The event aims to raise awareness on the challenges faced by children and adolescents with cancer and those who take care of them, and to advocate better health and research legislation from European policy-makers in light of the most recent regulatory developments, such as the Data Protection Regulation.
Hosted by our valued long-standing supporter, Member of the European Parliament Ms.
Glenis Willmott,
this year’s event will address the topical issues on
increasing the cure rate and the quality of cure of children and adolescents with cancer, the main goals of the SIOPE society for the next decade, and how to best ensure that the needs of the paediatric haemato-oncology community are taken into account by European policies and legislation.
We anticipate a lively and forward-looking discussion on how to improve clinical research and care for children and adolescents in Europe.
More information:
Details from previous editions:
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