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lunes, 6 de octubre de 2014
Discovery of modulators of HIV-1 infection from the human peptidome : Nature Reviews Microbiology : Nature Publishing Group
Figure 2: Endogenous peptides that affect HIV-1 infection.
Overview of the HIV-1 entry steps that are targeted by peptides. Amyloidogenic peptides that are derived from human semen, such as fragments of prostatic acidic phosphatase (PAP), can self-assemble into amyloid fibrils that promote the…
Discovery of modulators of HIV-1 infection from the human peptidome
Almost all human proteins are subject to proteolytic degradation, which produces a broad range of peptides that have highly specific and sometimes unexpected functions. Peptide libraries that have been generated from human bodily fluids or tissues are a rich but mostly unexplored source of bioactive compounds that could be used to develop antimicrobial and immunomodulatory therapeutic agents. In this Innovation article, we describe the discovery, optimization and application of endogenous bioactive peptides from human-derived peptide libraries, with a particular focus on the isolation of endogenous inhibitors and promoters of HIV-1 infection.
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