sábado, 25 de octubre de 2014

CDC Statement: (Update) New York City and CDC Report Positive Tests for Ebola in Volunteer International Aid Worker

CDC Statement: (Update) New York City and CDC Report Positive Tests for Ebola in Volunteer International Aid Worker

CDC Statement: (Update) New York City and CDC Report Positive Tests for Ebola in Volunteer International Aid Worker

Update: New York City and CDC Report Positive Tests for Ebola in Volunteer International Aid Worker
A hospitalized medical aid worker who volunteered in Guinea, one of the three West African nations experiencing an Ebola epidemic, and since returned to the United States has tested positive for Ebola according to the New York City Health Department laboratory, which is part of the Laboratory Response Network overseen by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC has confirmed the test results in its Atlanta laboratory.

The patient has been notified of the confirmation test results and remains in isolation.

The healthcare worker had returned through JFK Airport on Oct. 17 and participated in the enhanced screening for all returning travelers from these countries. He went through multiple layers of screening and did not have a fever or other symptoms of illness. The patient reported a low-grade fever to local health officials for the first time yesterday. Yesterday, the patient was transported by a specially trained HAZ TAC unit wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to Bellevue. The New York City Health Department has interviewed the patient regarding close contacts and activities.

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