domingo, 21 de septiembre de 2014

CDC - Blogs - Genomics and Health Impact Blog – Suicide, Family History, and Genomics

CDC - Blogs - Genomics and Health Impact Blog – Suicide, Family History, and Genomics

Genomics & Health Impact Update

Suicide Prevention: Family History & Genomics

a girl looking depressed
National Institute for Mental Health information: Suicide preventionExternal Web Site Icon
Did you know?>200 genes have been reported in relation to suicide risk, including 10 genomewide association studies? To find out more, visit the HuGE NavigatorExternal Web Site Icon
Team approach helps teen depression,External Web Site Icon by Dr. Francis Collins, NIH Director, Sep 9

Suicide, Family History, and Genomics

Categories: family historygenomics
Scott Bowen, OPHG and Brad Bartholow with National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, CDC Staff

We must continue to search for new methods to effectively address the tremendous problem of suicide. Despite recent interest, genomics does not provide the solution today, but there is a lot that we can do now using an established public health approach to prevention.

Millions were shocked by the news that comedian Robin Williams had died by suicideExternal Web Site Icon. The star is remembered for more than just his energetic roles but also his work to help charitable causes and to entertain U.S. troopsExternal Web Site Icon abroad. But the joy he gave to others stood in sharp contrast to the challenges he faced in his own life: depression, addiction, and more recently Parkinson’s DiseaseExternal Web Site Icon. The revelations brought many to contemplate what more could be done to identify the risks and prevent suicide and what hope, if any, emerging fields of science like genomics might offer.
Robin Williams speaks to troups

Suicide: A Substantial Public Health Problem

Williams’ suicide at the age of 63 will be recorded as one of thousands of deaths in the U.S. this year alone in his age group. Death from suicide among those aged 60-64 rose 37% from 1999 to 2010. In fact, suicide is the 5th leading cause of death in the United States among middle-aged adults (ages 35-64 years). Suicide is far more common as a cause of death than homicide, HIV/AIDS, or hypertension, and in 2009, the number of deaths from suicide surpassed deaths from motor vehicle crashes in the U.S. Each year, more than 39,000 Americans take their own lives and about 487,000 people receive medical care for self-inflictedinjuries. At the family level, suicide is a devastating tragedy with lasting implications for loved ones; at the population levelExternal Web Site Icon it comprises an incomprehensible and needless loss of human life and capacity. By very definition suicide is preventable. Yet many people are uncomfortable even talking about suicide in part because of the blame, guilt, and stigma that often follows it.

Suicide: Depression But Also Many Other Factors

Major depressive disorder (MDD) is the second leading cause of disability worldwideExternal Web Site Icon and animportant contributorExternal Web Site Icon to the burden of suicide. Millions of adults in the U.S. are considered to be in less than optimum mental health, largely because of depression and substance abuse problems. While there has been more focus on people with mental illness in recent decades,External Web Site Iconthe proportion of individuals who actually receive care for depression and other conditions is low and those who do seek care usually do so many years after onset. In the U.S. it is estimated that 67% of persons suffering from mental illness are not treated, comparedExternal Web Site Icon with a treatment gap of only 8% for diabetes. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends screeningadultsExternal Web Site Icon, and adolescentsExternal Web Site Icon for depression in appropriate care settings.
Long-term studies of persons hospitalized at least once with MDD suggest that perhaps 1 in 10 will die by suicideExternal Web Site Icon. The rate of suicide in never-hospitalized persons with MDD may be lower.  However, if most people suffering from depression will never tragically end their own lives what are the other important contributing factors? Also, if most people suffering from depression are not diagnosed or receiving care, are there other ways to identify those at greatest risk?
Indeed the causes of suicide are often complex, and multiple. There are many other environmental stressors beyond depression that contribute to suicide including problems with relationships, career, other medical issues, and financial problems. All of the potential factors are important to understand including some controversial topics such as the effects ofExternal Web Site Iconprescription SSRI medicationsExternal Web Site Iconsubstance abuseExternal Web Site Icon; and the best ways to treat post-traumatic stress disorders including amongExternal Web Site Icon veterans. Increasingly the desire to better understand the complicated causal relationships of suicide has led researchers to consider genomics as part of the equation.

Suicide, Genetics, and Family History

Research studies have been conducted in an attempt to identify genetic differences associated with suicide riskExternal Web Site Icon, and today, these efforts are in an exploratoryExternal Web Site Icon stage. However, 200 genes have been associated with suicide risk, including results from 10External Web Site Icon genome-wide association studies. While there are genetic testsExternal Web Site Icon presently marketed for the purpose of identifying people at risk, these applications have not yet been validated and do not contain enough information to accurately predict who will attempt suicide. External Web Site Icon Despite research potential in an appropriate setting, there is inadequate evidence that genetic-based psychological tests are ready for use in practice.
Like most health issues, the best understanding of the causes of suicide comes through the broad prism of gene/environment interaction: that health outcomes and the choices people make are greatly influenced by the dynamic interaction of both genes and environment. It is therefore not surprising that risk factors include a family history of suicide. Immediate family members share not only genes but diet, living conditions, economic status, social values, and behavioral issues, which can all combine in a powerful way. It may be important for primary and mental health providers to know about a patient’s family history of suicideExternal Web Site Icon anddepression.

The Best Prevention Strategy Today

CDC takes an evidence-based, public health approach to prevent suicideExternal Web Site Icon, which includes using data to: identify populations at higher risk of suicide and to support the development and evaluation of suicide prevention interventions. Promising interventions are best designed and evaluated with an understanding of the risk factors/warning signsExternal Web Site Icon and protective factors. Finally, the public health role includes promoting this knowledge to health care providers, special populations at highest risk, and the general public.

1 Know the Risk Factors

  • History of previous suicide attempts
  • Family history of suicide
  • History of depression or other mental illness
  • History of alcohol or drug abuse
  • Stressful life event or loss
  • Onset of physical illness including chronic disease
  • Easy access to lethal methods
  • Exposure to the suicidal behavior of others
  • Self-harm behavior
  • History of victimization

2 Know and Benefit From the Protective Factors/Get Long Term Help

Protective factors buffer individuals from suicidal thoughts and behavior. Some of the protective factors researchers have identified include:
  • Skills in problem solving, conflict resolution, and nonviolent ways of handling disputes
  • Effective clinical care for mental, physical, and substance abuse disorders
  • Easy access to various clinical interventions
  • Family and community support (connectedness)
  • Support from ongoing medical and mental health care relationships
  • Cultural beliefs that discourage suicide and support instincts for self-preservation, including seeking help

3 Get Immediate Help When You Need It!

If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide, contact the National Suicide Prevention LifelineExternal Web Site Icon at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255).

In the future, genetic research might offer greater understanding about preventing the tragedy of suicide. For now, there are no validated genomics tests for suicide prevention that are ready for practice. The best strategy for prevention today includes: knowing the risk factors including family history of suicide, recognizing the warning signs, supporting protective factors, decreasing the stigma of mental illness, and getting immediate help when needed.
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.
Common Adaptation of Quote by Ian MaclarenExternal Web Site Icon

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