jueves, 19 de septiembre de 2013

Million Hearts e-Update: September/October 2013

Million Hearts: Help prevent 1 million heart attacks and stokes by 2017. E-update.

September/October 2013


Tools You Can Use

  • Million Hearts® on Community Commons—Join the new online community of Million Hearts® partners and supporters, where you can connect, collaborate, and highlight the work you’re doing to prevent 1 million heart attacks and strokes. Don’t forget to introduce yourself and share your progress in the Activity section.
  • How high blood pressure medications work—Test your knowledge of medications approved to treat high blood pressure and how each kind works with the High Blood Pressure Medications and You infographic from the Food and Drug Administration.
  • Million Hearts® 2012: Building Strong Partnerships for Progress—Discover how Million Hearts® partners are putting their commitments to heart attack and stroke prevention into action in this report from the initiative’s first full year.
  • Simple health and treatment tips in Spanish—Check out the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s Toma las riendas campaign on Facebook for a wide range of information about how Hispanic populations can take charge of their health, including heart health.

Million Hearts® in the Community

  • Seeking former smokers to share their stories. If you or someone you know is an ex-smoker (tobacco-free for at least 6 months), consider telling your story about the impact smoking has had on your life. Your story can help inspire people to quit. For more information about how to become a participant in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Tips From Former Smokers campaign, view the recruitment ad or contact Mimi Webb Miller Casting by October 21.
Let us know what you're doing to advance Million Hearts® in your community! Send us a short description with some key points, and we may feature you in a future e-Update!

The Science of Million Hearts®

  • California system nearly doubles blood pressure control rate with 5 steps. Kaiser Permanente Northern California (KPNC) has made blood pressure control a priority. In 8 years, KPNC has increased its blood pressure control rate among patients from 43% to just over 80%.
  • Support for electronic health records helped practices deliver preventive care. After receiving support for adopting electronic health records in 2009—2011, independent primary care practices in New York City increased rates of antithrombotic therapy (a treatment that reduces blood clots), blood pressure control, smoking cessation intervention, and hemoglobin A1c testing for diabetes among their patients.
  • Nearly one quarter of all deaths from heart disease and stroke between 2001 and 2010 didn’t have to happen. The latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that at least 200,000 deaths from heart disease and stroke could have been prevented through healthier habits, such as stopping smoking, getting active, and reducing salt in the diet; community efforts, such as providing safe places to exercise and supporting smoke-free areas; and better management of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes.
  • MillionHearts 2013 Hypertension Control Challenge
    It’s not too late! The deadline to enter the 2013 Million Hearts® Hypertension Control Challenge has been extended until September 30, 2013. Enter and help spread the word about what it takes to get high blood pressure under control. If you have blood pressure control rates greater than 70% for your entire hypertensive patient population, we want to hear about it. Together, we can help 10 million more people in the United States get their blood pressure under control, reducing their risk for heart attack and stroke.
    —Janet Wright, MD, FACC
    Executive Director, Million Hearts®
    Do This!
    One Easy Way to Support Million Hearts®
    Join the Million Hearts® Group on Community Commons, an online community where you can connect and collaborate with colleagues across the country and highlight the work you’re doing to prevent 1 million heart attacks and strokes.


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