sábado, 20 de julio de 2013

The Partnership Center News: Learn How to Shop Healthy on a Budget!

The Partnership Center News: Learn How to Shop Healthy on a Budget!

The Partnership Center News: Learn How to Shop Healthy on a Budget!

Dear Partners,
We invite you to join us next Wednesday, July 24th from 2-3pm Eastern for an interactive grocery store tour that helps families learn strategies to shop for healthy, delicious foods on a limited budget.
Share Our Strength's "Cooking Matters at the Store" engages low-income families where they shop to teach and practice skills like how to buy fruits and vegetables on a budget, read and compare food labels, compare unit prices and identify whole grain foods. To date, nearly 18,000 participants have joined a tour in their community, and organizations serving low-income families are integrating this hands-on learning experience in the services they provide, from Head Start and WIC nutrition educators to financial literacy programs and faith-based health and wellness outreach.
During this 1-hour webinar, co-hosted by the HHS Partnership Center and Share Our Strength, you'll learn more about "Cooking Matters at the Store," how other organizations are implementing tours in their community and how to get started.
Let’s Move Faith and Communities also invites you to join us in July and August for webinar trainings that equip health leaders to run the National Institutes of Health's We Can! (Ways to Enhance Children's Activity & Nutrition)® program in their communities. We Can! is a science-based national education program that provides parents, caregivers and communities with tools and strategies to help families improve food choices, increase physical activity and reduce screen time.
We Can! offers two core curricula: 
  1. The Energize Our Families: Parent Program is a multiple-session curriculum designed to provide parents and caregivers with the knowledge and skills they need, along with practical tools, to help families maintain a healthy weight. Specific topics include shopping for healthy food on a budget, controlling portion sizes, increasing physical activity in youth and reducing family screen time.
  2. Media-Smart Youth®: Eat, Think and Be Active! is an after-school program designed to help young people ages 11 to 13 understand the connections between media and health and to help youth build media analysis and production skills.  The program uses nutrition and physical activity examples to help youth think critically about how media influences the choices they make.
To register for a We Can! webinar, please click on one of the dates below or go to the Partnership Center's website:
Webinars on "Energize Our Families: Parent Program"

Webinars on "Media-Smart Youth"

We look forward to seeing you on an upcoming Let's Move Faith and Communities webinar!
The Let's Move Faith and Communities Team

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